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Sex after thp

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new member
Apr 22, 2008
United States
I have an embarrassing ? but going to go with it. I am 3 weeks post surgery. My doctor says it is safe to have sex but didn't offer any suggestions other than "experiment" and stop if it hurts! I feel like I am really recovering fast and don't have pain associated with the surgery but the whole sex thing is just scarey. I have poured over the internet and can't find any information. Has anyone else had these concerns???
Would help if we could know what your gender is, Sardi!
Oops, guess that would help!! I am a 45 year old female!!!! Three weeks post op on a right hip replacement. I have done great. Doing out patient therapy and he will have me on the elliptical tomorrow. I feel like I am progressing well. Just don't want to do something wrong at this point. Thanks so much for any advice I can get.
Ok - well seems like most things I can think of would be fine for you. For men is a bit more problematic as they are often more demands made upon them from the physical/hip point of view. And of course most other bedroom athletics would only be limited by how you feel capable of them.

However, the biggest problem is not in your hip but in your head. Coping with major surgery, getting back to normal life, is probably the biggest demand for some. We get accustomed to the restrictions and being careful during the post-op period but don't realise how much it is reducing our sense of being independence and confidence. This spills out into all sorts of things. This is a prime example.

Even though you haven't said how much of a problem this is for you, I would suggest a couple of things.
1. beforehand, talk to your husband about it, explain how you are feeling and what exactly your concerns are. Though I know one of them is going to be that old, unanswerable "what if?"!!
2. take things gently at first. God with the routine and familiar
3. don't expect too much. It's quite possible the first time or two might be a disappointment as being anxious about the "what if" is a real passion killer!
4. afterwards, talk to your husband about it! have a bit of an inquest into how it felt in regard to your hip and maybe if this or that point was better or worse for your hip.

I hope these ramblings have some help in them. This is not my area of expertise but I have just applied some common sense to the question. Overall, I am sure that after the first time or two you will be back to normal without a problem.

All the best!
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