new member
hi all, my hsband had a TKR eight days ago. The first few days of recovery were tough but seemed to go well. He was walking on Thurs and Fri in the hosp. However he wasn't told to elevate, in fact he was given no info leaving the hosp Sat. By Sat night the back of his calf was extremely tender and he was unable to flex the foot. We got no response over the weekend, went back to see the surgeon on Mon, He could not even push the foot into a flex position. It seems the muscle was so irritated by the collecting fluid that the muscle has spasmed. They checked for blood clots and Xrayed and that was all fine. We were sent home with anti inflamatories. Now Wed night, it is still in spasm and he is in a lot of pain. He is trying really hard to push the foot back, without much success. This is pretty scary as he cannot walk as he can't put the foot to the ground and engage the quads. He is using a CPM and is up to about 50, which is also not what it should be, we believe. He is also using an ice pack to reduce swelling and irritation. The leg is very bruised all the way from the ankle to the top of the thigh. Does anyone else have any experience like this? We are very worried now about his end result. He is forty five and had this done as he has had knee probs all his life and two previous surgeries in Eng and Ire several decades ago. We had fully trusted that the care this time round would be correct.