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Setback at 11 weeks

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new member
May 3, 2008
United States
This is my first post so I hope I'm doing this correctly. I have learned more from this board than from anywhere else. I had TLHR in February and have progressed quite well. The only thing I still cannot do is tie my shoes. I'm walking without a limp for the first time in 2 years. Suddenly this week, I woke up with pain in my thigh which I initially assumed was just a pulled muscle. In bed that night I began having terrible pain whenever I would try to roll over. The pain has now gone into my groin and I can no longer lift my leg as I was able to. Going up stairs is now difficult as is getting in and out of bed. Getting into the car is excrutiating. I cannot think of anything I did to aggravate my hip; I just woke up like this. The doctor cannot see me until my scheduled visit next week since he only has appointments 2 days/week. His nurse said to keep icing it and take advil every 4 hours. Since I can walk on it she wasn't concerned about a dislocation. I'm scheduled to go back to work in a week and I'm in panic mode. I was doing so very well and now this. Anyone ever experience this? Could my femur have cracked? Everything looked good at my 6 week visit.

Thanks for the input.
Hi Lynn,
I Had My Lthr On February 26th So I Am Right There With You. Josephine Will Soon Read Your Blog And She Will Be Able To Help You. She Has Been Great At Answering Any Questions I have had. I Know There Are Others Too That May Have Had The Same Problems. At About 3 Weeks Out I Felt An Excruciating Pain In My Groin And Could Barely Walk. I Live In West Texas And My Doctor Was In Dallas. He Diagnosed A Popped Suture And Ended Up Being Right On. After Many Days Of Bed Rest And Pain Meds, It Slowly Went Away And No Damage. I Would For Sure Take It Easy Until You See Your Doctor And As I Said Josephine Will Hopefully Read Your Message Soon. Please Let Us Know What You Find Out And Goodluck....patty
February - so I am figuring you are about 3 months all told, yes?

So a couple of days ago you woke up with this pain which has traveled into your groin. I think it could be one of two things, one quite likely, the other fairly unlikely.

The first is a spasm of the psoas muscles which is a great big muscle going from the thoracic spine all the way down through the abdomen to be attached at the inner side of the femur.

[] Setback at 11 weeks

Sometimes people have a tendency to view all these muscles in isolation which can be a mistake. Look at them again and you will see they are all very close together so that inflammation in one cannot help but cascade into others. That psoas muscle is very close to the adductor mechanism muscles so what effects one, effects the other.

The other, less palatable option is that you may have cracked a bone somewhere but I seriously doubt that.

My money is on the psoas which a good physiotherapist or even a chiropractor could sort out for you. You need to get it checked out by your OS first though.
Thank you for the response. I have been having spasms in my thigh for the last few weeks, but only when in bed and they fortunately don't last long. Maybe there's a connection?
Very likely - I would suggest you see a good chiropractor - he/she can help with that.
I went to see my PT yesterday and he says my thigh muscle is strained and extremely tight. How this happened, I don't know. I may have twisted in my sleep. He gave me some stretching excercises to do and the difference in just one day is amazing. I can once again lift my left and walk up the stairs. Not yet back to where I was, but getting there. What a relief! Back to work on Monday.
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