new member
This is my first post so I hope I'm doing this correctly. I have learned more from this board than from anywhere else. I had TLHR in February and have progressed quite well. The only thing I still cannot do is tie my shoes. I'm walking without a limp for the first time in 2 years. Suddenly this week, I woke up with pain in my thigh which I initially assumed was just a pulled muscle. In bed that night I began having terrible pain whenever I would try to roll over. The pain has now gone into my groin and I can no longer lift my leg as I was able to. Going up stairs is now difficult as is getting in and out of bed. Getting into the car is excrutiating. I cannot think of anything I did to aggravate my hip; I just woke up like this. The doctor cannot see me until my scheduled visit next week since he only has appointments 2 days/week. His nurse said to keep icing it and take advil every 4 hours. Since I can walk on it she wasn't concerned about a dislocation. I'm scheduled to go back to work in a week and I'm in panic mode. I was doing so very well and now this. Anyone ever experience this? Could my femur have cracked? Everything looked good at my 6 week visit.
Thanks for the input.
Thanks for the input.