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Sept 22 bi-lat THR

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Sep 9, 2009
United States
Hi, I'm brand new to Bonesmart. I am a 43 year old male living in Raleigh NC. I was diagnosed with femoral acetabular impingement in the Spring of 2008. I had been an avid volleyball player at a competitive level for the last 15 years. I love to water ski, wake board, and snow board. Oh...and I drive a jeep...hence my sign in (jeepskinc).

Little did I know, I had spent years pounding the soft tissue of my hip joints due to the impingement while participating in these high impact activities. I'm to the point now where I can barely tie my shoe on my right foot. I'm not able to participate in sport activities with my 10 and 13 year old boys due to my restricted ROM and pain. There are times when I go to stand up and my right hip has such extreme pain I have to stop and adjust my femur to a comfortable position before I can even think about walking.

I had my right hip scoped this summer in an attempt to repair a tear in the labrum and clean up the loose tissue that was floating around. My OS reported that the joint was bone on bone and there was little he could do to improve the situation. He did not recommend scoping the left hip given the condition of my right and results of the MRI I had done prior to the procedure. I hate to have to say it at the age of 43, but it is time for some bionic hips.

So here I am now, two weeks from my scheduled bi-lat THR. I'm excited at the prospects of being pain free and being able to rejoin my boys in activities. We have not settled on a bearing surface yet. My OS has recommended MOM or ceramic on highly crosslinked poly. I'm not convinced that metal ion release by the MOM bearing surface is something that I can ignore, especially given the years of exposure that I will have. So I'm leaning toward the ceramic/poly option. My OS tells me the ROM, wear, and stability will be similar between these two options. He would be using a Stryker ceramic/poly implant. I'm afraid my volleyball days are behind me but I still want to be able to hit the slopes and the lake. My OS tells me I should be able to participate in most of my former activities sans the high impact ones such as the volleyball.

I've been hitting my daily work outs hard (ask me about P90X) in preparation for the surgery. I figure the stronger I am going into this, the better. I'd love to hear from others who have had bi-lat at the same time as to what they did to help with recovery. Any special items I should have at my house following my surgery. I'll be in the hospital for 4 or 5 days followed by a week in a rehab center where I will receive PT and OT care.

13 days and counting.
Welcome, Jeep!! The countdown's begin for you to getting your life back! Does your hospital offer a joint replacement class? Definitely take it! They'll tell you specifically! Since you'r having bi-lats, you'll need a raised toilet seat....preferably with legs that goes over your existing toilet, grab bars by the toilet and in the shower, a shower chair, recliner. Or high backed chair, foam memory mattress topper and body pillows......grabber, sock putter-on er, and sponge on a stick usually are provided by rehab! Best of good luck! Look forward to hearing from you!!! ((:0)
Welcome to BoneSmart, Jeep. You've come to the right place to find plenty of "hippies" who've been through this before you.

Be sure you have set up a comfortable place to park yourself during the first few weeks of recovery. You will have a lot of down time in between the therapy and small trips to the kitchen and bathroom. Your body will need LOTS of rest to recover properly. And this is the time to practice patience....slow and steady is the best recovery.

Post any time you have questions or concerns. We're glad you're here!
Jeep--I'm a bilat, so feel free to ask questions. I have MOM joints and I'm very happy, but ceramic ones are probably great and the wear characteristics are unbeatable. Glad to see you are working out....the best thing I did was hit the gym about 6 weeks before surgery. If you are doing PX90, then are way ahead of the game pre-surgery. That is a real workout! My recovery was quite fast and I was working out and working soon after surgery. I had anterior approach adn no restrictions, so that helped. I am curious what your surgery is. Also, please make sure that your surgeon is experienced with bilats as that will be important.
All the best to you.
Hey Jeep welcome. Which ever you decide you will be just fine and you have all of us pulling for ya . you couldn't have come to a better place they got me thru my knee..............wish you much luck and please let up know how you are doing...............)
Hi jeep! And welcome to BoneSmart! At a hip symposium I recently attended, the general consensus was that the ion release was only of signifcance in females of reproductive age so I don't think you needed to have worried! However, the c-o-pe is just as good. But the real clincher is having a really good hip surgeon who is not 'part-time', meaning he does almost nothing but THRs.

I'm sure you'll do well, you have a lovely positive attitude. Just don't rush at your rehab. Take it easy and let time do the healing first.
Hi All, Thanks for the encouraging words! TBONE had asked about the type of surgery I have planned. We are using a min-posterior approach. We discussed anterior but my OS is concerned about wound healing issues associated with muscular men. P90X works wonders for the legs. :thmb:

We decided to go with the ceramic on metal implant from DePuy. This was just approved by an FDA Advisory board in the US but has been in use in 40 other countries for some time. Has most all the benefits of MOM implants with less metal ion exposure. I have great confidence in my OS. He comes highly recommended from several sources. He has been great to work with and very responsive to my questions.

Won't be long now. Just one week. I'm heading to Charleston SC with my wife and son this weekend for a cub scout outing on the USS Yorktown WWII air craft carrier. Will be a great outing just before my procedure. Although, I'm not looking forward to sleeping in the group bunking births on the ship. I'm having enough trouble sleeping in my own bed these days. But I'll do just about anything for my kids. :D
That sounds like such a great weekend for the kids!!
Good luck on the new hips sounds like you are all set. I just love my new hip and always wish my spine surgeries were hip replacement!!
Hey Jeep,
I just passed my one year anniversary from simultaneous bi-bilats.:thmb: Being in good shape is one of the best gifts you can give yourself -the other is having an awesome surgeon.;)
The day of surgery you will be amazed at how much better you feel . Really!!
I have ceramic on cross linked poly and I am thrilled. My new parts are SOO much better than my original equipment was. I have all of my active life back. I gotta say I wish they could replace some of my other parts as easily as they did my hips. :wink:

Best wishes on your surgery -you'll do great.

We'll be thinking about you today, Jeep, and look forward to your new thread in the recovery forum! Good luck!!!
Just wanted to let you know that Jeepskinc got his new hips today and everything went as expected. He is resting comfortably - with the help of a morphine pca :) Dr. wanted him to stay down today, but he'll be getting up first thing in the morning. -- Jeepskinc's wife
WOW!!! So glad its OVER for him!! Great recup to BOTH of you and tell Jeep his Bonesmartie pals send our best!!! ((:0)
How sweet of you guys to take time to let us know everything went well. Give him a big BoneSmartie (((HUG)))) for all of us here. We'll be waiting to hear from him once he gets back home. So happy for you both!!!
Thanks for the well wishes. Feeling much better today. I'm off the morphine pca now. Had a sponge bath and two rounds of PT. Hip joins are awesome. Site of incisions hurts like heck but that will imporve quickly. So glad the surgery is over with.
Wow I am always amazed at anyone who posts from the hospital. Glad you made it through with flying colors (whatever that means)
Excellent! Always good to know when the great day is over.
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