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Revision THR Second times a charm?

Such a wonderful update, Sockeyewillie!
Those that followed your thread, whether they ever commented, or not, will be happy to read this news.
It is encouraging that after more time you're doing so well.
I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve experienced any pain. Probably it will come back sometime after I post reply
:no-fin: No, no, none of that! :wink:
You're on the right path and I'll bet that's where you'll stay.
May it only get better! Thanks for sharing the good news.
Stopped by because I recalled you were going to update again at some point.
I see now that it will be on your one year anniversary. I hope we hear from you in a couple weeks and all is still well, or even better since you last posted. :fingersx:
I missed my one year anniversary and so did you. I wasn’t expecting fanfare but if I’m honest, I was a little hurt. Well I made it. It’s been a whole year since my revision and I feel great. No complaints. Well, I do have some about the process to get here but I’m feeling good. Max and I get big walks, small walks, and lots of beach walks. Ii didn’t think it was possible given the past four years but I’m happy with my hip.
Yikes! The BoneSmart staff gets 20 lashes with a wet noodle for missing this.

Happy one year hip revision anniversary, @Sockeyewillie! Glad to read that you are feeling well and getting in lots of walking. What a difference a year makes.

Ugh, so sorry, Sockeyewillie!
It is wonderful that you’re doing so well after all you’ve been through.

Let’s Celebrate!
I have my 1 year follow up this Friday. I’m unsure how my attitude toward my OS will be, if I even see him.
Well, after this visit, if you‘re not impressed, you can search for another OS…IF you’re ever in need. I hope you have a good visit and he’s impressed with your progress.
Good Luck…let us know how it goes. :wave: @Sockeyewillie
My 1 year follow up was last Friday. X-rays, Med. Assist. then Doc. When asked how I was doing I responded with “ I guess it’s as good as it’s going to get “. They looked at each other like I was some kind of wise butt. It marked the first time they were on the same page as I was on the first try. Any remaining pain, which is minimal, and I can clearly feel where it’s coming from, was associated as , drum roll…, muscular. I’m pretty sure I’ll never have to visit them again and if I do need something I’ll seek out another outfit.
Hi! Yes I’m going to have a hip revision mid Jan and keen to get realistic insights into people’s recovery experiences
Hi! Yes I’m going to have a hip revision mid Jan and keen to get realistic insights into people’s recovery experiences
I had my revision in May of 23 3 years after my initial THR on the right. This time I stayed 1 night in the hospital which was helpful to me and my wife. My recovery went much better and quicker than the first time.
Hi Sockeyewillie!
Good to see you. I hope you enjoyed the holidays and you're doing well.
May 2025 be a good year for you! :SUNsmile:
Hi! Yes I’m going to have a hip revision mid Jan and keen to get realistic insights into people’s recovery experiences
I had my revision in May of 23 3 years after my initial THR on the right. This time I stayed 1 night in the hospital which was helpful to me and my wife. My recovery went much better and quicker than the first time.
Wow that’s great to hear recovery went much quicker! What was the first few weeks for u like at home - I’m going to be taking care of myself re cooking etc etc and stocking up now so that will hopefully be easier to eat well. I’m a bit concerned about pain from revision tho - how was that for u
If there is anyone who is facing revision or in the early stage and I can be of any assistance by sharing my experiences, please feel free to reach out.
Hi, can you pls tell me exactly if your pain from subsidence was triggered even when you weren’t walking/standing? And where your pain was felt? I’ve been in new level of pain since week 7 and insisted on new X-rays & CT scan which at week 10 revealed that I have subsidence but doc seemed to think it would mainly be felt when walking but 65% of the time the pain is triggered when even seated or slight movement when shifting in bed or in recliner. My pain mostly shoots to outer mid-thigh and at incision area and even down to outer side of knee. Is this similar to what you experienced?
My pain was exactly as you describe yours. Same time, seated or walking, and in the same area, top and outer thigh down toward my knee. I could always tell it was in the femur.
You're welcome! I do wonder how you're doing each time I come across your name.
Someone mentioned you yesterday, possibly even tagged you for some input. If you weren't tagged, I'll see if I can find the post...
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