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Second surgery in a month

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Oct 2, 2009
United States
My cup angle is way off so I went for a second opinion on the hip surgery I had on 9/10/09. The new Doc wants to operate ASAP before the bone grows into the new hip. He also wants to do a radiology treatment afterwards to prevent heterotopic ossification. Have any of you benn through a second surgery so soon?:sigh:

Im so sorry D, I sure hope this one sticks.......think positive anytime we are all here for ya...............Please post after surgery and let us know how you are......Good luck to you.............Im a knee but others will post soon........)
Well, it does happen on occasion thought it shouldn't. Just be glad it got spotted in time to take action before the bone healed in too well.

I hope this is a different surgeon than the one who put it in?

Oh, and welcome to BoneSmart! Pleased to have you join our family though very sorry for the reason.
dhollis....welcome to BoneSmart! I'm sorry to hear your first doctor didn't do the job properly. Time to cross HIM off your list of good guys! But I am happy that you have found a better surgeon now to take care of you. I wish you all the best and please know that there are LOTS of people here waiting to provide whatever support you need. You're part of the BoneSmart family now.
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