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scar tissue?

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May 14, 2009
United States United States
O.K., I'm confused. Do you automatically get scar tissue after your first knee surgery? I've had prior knee surgeries on each knee more than 20 years ago and they said I have scar tissue from those surgeries. So, since I've had BTKR, do I now have more scar tissue to break through? Is that why my ROM is not up there like others who are at the same stage as me? PT is happy with my ROM but says I still need to work at it more...which I know this.:pzld:. My OS said I have a lot of scar tissue...just didn't ask from what or which surgery.

BTKR 7/20/09
I think you get some kind of scar tissue, but having others surgeries is what got me I had alot built up as well....Keep trying if you are not happy with your bend then speak with you OS I had my MUA at 4 weeks....But I dont remember what you bend is....Good Luck...:)
A lot of it has to do with your individual body. Some people make more scar tissue than others. And different surgeries on the SAME person can result in different scar tissue growth. It always sounded to me like it's a toss of the dice and no one can say for sure.

I'm thinking that your surgeon - if confronted with scar tissue from past surgeries when he went into your knee - would do his best to remove all that he could so the joint could start out fresh. Jo could tell you that for sure since she's been there. I'm sure when they talk about how much you had, it's like saying....this made the surgery a little more involved and take more time.

But for doctors that do these replacements day in and day out, they are used to seeing all types of things inside a knee or hip! It's a routine day for them.
My bend is 100 and 105. Surgery was 4 weeks ago today! I've been working so hard on it. One thing I know for sure...I'm NOT giving up!!!!! One thing that hurt my progress was the in-home PT I had for a week and a half. She didn't work with my bending at all. It was all straightening and stretching and when she measured me I was sitting with my legs at an angle so my bend would be bigger and it made me feel great but at the same time she was deceiving me and I didn't know it. I just don't want to have to have a MUA.

BTKR 7/20/09

Talk to your OS and see what he says. Also your PT will have a recommendation too.

The MUA isn't as bad as they make it sound and it is beneficial. It helped me. I was stuck and couldn't get mobility at all, no matter how hard I tried. Getting better all the time and I am not even where you are yet. Nothing to be afraid of, just sounds like it really hurts. Does swell with all the work they do on you, but once the swelling goes down you begin to improve almost daily.

I may have to have a MUA on right knee again due to tearing the meniscus again last Wed in pt. At least they can do it while they are doing the LTKR, so I won't have to have a GA again.

Hope you get the ROM you desire without having to work too hard.

Rose, if you have a tkr, there is not meniscus in your right knee. There could be scar tissue that got torn in your knee--but there is no meniscus in these knees--that plastic part takes the place of the meniscus. Kelly
At four weeks, I could barely bend to 65. At five weeks, I had the MUA. It does sound scary and all that, but after it was said and done, it wasn't as bad as I expected. And I could bend to 70... and the ROM only improved from there.

I can bend to at least 110 now- possibly more, but I haven't been to PT to have it measured (not in a bad way, they released me from the thrice-weekly appointments).

If I had been at 105 at four weeks, I never would have had the MUA.
Kelly, I think the torn meniscus Rose is referring to is in her left knee. So she has a torn meniscus and a TKR scheduled for the left knee and is having an MUA right knee at the same time.

Plus there is a difference between scarring left behind on the cut tissues and adhesions which is often but incorrectly referred to by many (including surgeons) as scar tissue. Adhesions are scar tissue of sorts but different.

Read this thread in the Information Centre/Recurring Knee Information MUA (manipulation under anaesthetic) and adhesions
Rose, if you have a tkr, there is not meniscus in your right knee. There could be scar tissue that got torn in your knee--but there is no meniscus in these knees--that plastic part takes the place of the meniscus. Kelly

Jo's Quote: Kelly, I think the torn meniscus Rose is referring to is in her left knee. So she has a torn meniscus and a TKR scheduled for the left knee and is having an MUA right knee at the same time.

Yes the torn meniscus is in the left knee, second time in 3 months. Because I've had to stop and rest it, I haven't been to pt since last Wed. Nor have I been able to continue aquatic aerobics that were helping me so much. Only been to the pool once last Saturday to do some gentle water walking and stretches. So RTKR is stiff and sore. Left leg is improving, so I will try pt again tomorrow. The MUA will be for the RTKR to get maximum movement again during the LTKR.
Re: pre surgery exercise has proved to be a Huge help!!!

Rose, does your torn meniscus cause you pain? My knee just aches intensely all the time and is driving me to despair. I could even say it's almost more painful than the operation was and doesn't respond to any pain killer, ice, heat or anything.
Poor Jo! I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. Wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all better....
Jo, I am so sorry your knee is giving you such a fit! To answer your question, mine does hurt if I try to straighten it completely, or bend it too much. 10 - 75 degrees seems about right to minimize my pain. Also when walking, I am walking on the outside of my foot to avoid putting complete weight on the knee. If I step regular, the interior of the knee where it's total bone on bone, grinds and OUCH :shk:. I can hear and feel the crunching. When the pain is intense, I have heat that runs from the upper knee down the leg to the ankle. Feels like it's on fire, even while icing. Swelling is very noticable to myself and others.

My GP told me today while I was in for the UTI with low grade fever that the knee is unstable because I probably have nothing holding it together. The IT Band in the left leg that hasn't bothered me until now is tight. You'd think with all the NSAIDs I've been taking, I wouldn't have so much inflamation. Especially since I've been icing and elevating while resting so much. The 800 mg of ibuprophen with ice is keeping the pain under control for about 6 hours, then it returns. If I'm not paying attention to the time, my knee surely lets me know when its time to take more.

Mostly you have to stay completely off of it for 3-4 days to get it to cool down and be manageable. Only getting up for the bathroom. I even eat in my bed. Then slowly add activity. The total knee stabilizer helps with pain and doesn't allow it to slip around. It is just so cumbersome. Have to do acrobatics to get in and out of vehicle. :sigh: Started with walker, then progressed to 2 crutches, now use 1 crutch or cane on opposite side.

If nothing else, the RTKR has proved to be very stable and strong. I told my pt at least it won't collapse on me. :thmb:

Hope you get some relief soon. Might want to reconsider that scope. My OS said he would normally go in and scope it to clean it up but with LTKR pending in 13 days no use. So bidding my time and trying to be realistic on what is necessary and what isn't.

O.K., I'm confused. Do you automatically get scar tissue after your first knee surgery? I've had prior knee surgeries on each knee more than 20 years ago and they said I have scar tissue from those surgeries. So, since I've had BTKR, do I now have more scar tissue to break through? Is that why my ROM is not up there like others who are at the same stage as me? PT is happy with my ROM but says I still need to work at it more...which I know this.:pzld:. My OS said I have a lot of scar tissue...just didn't ask from what or which surgery.

BTKR 7/20/09

Hi Cindy!
Boy, you posed some very good questions? But, unfortunately, I'm not sure if prior scar tissue compounds new scar tissue or guess would be "yes, it does"...but then again, I'm not a professional in the field. It does make sense if you think that your ROM is not where it should be at this point in recovery, though.

Sorry I was'nt more helpful. Hope the ROM gets better relatively soon for you!
I can weight bear but yes, it's the flexion and extension that really hurts as well as the general ache in the back. Thanks Rose.
I'm so sorry Jo, I know what the 'general' ache can get like. Sometimes I think a good old pain is easier to cope with, a continual ache just ends up grinding you down, I hope you get some relief soon. X
I had a manipulation 4 weeks after my TKR....3 1/2 weeks after 2nd surgery I have 120 ROM..I only had 70 ROM 2 weeks ago...The manipulation was as painful as the TKR & couln't even get out of bed for 2 1/2 days..but it was worth it as I am healing a lot faster than with the TKR...It is sure a long recovery & I am soooooo tired...Can take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day...How long does it take to get some energy back ? I am walking without crutches, but get extremely tired after being on my feet for more than 30 minutes...not back to work yet...Started driving very close to freeways yet as I am really scared & nervous to drive...Am on Perkacet (spelling) about 3 times a day..really cut back from 2 pills every 4 hours...When did you feel ready to do normal activies without having any pain ?
Thanks, Kris from Newport Beach Calif...What did you use to hide the terrible scar ?
It takes a long time to get over general anesthesia, and the narcotic pain medication can make you very tired. I am one of those who needs the pain meds for quite a long time, and they really drain energy. Healing also takes a great deal of energy. It will get better, it just seems like it won't. I'm in that place with my new knee, too. I'm just lucky because I remember this period from the last one.
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