Jo, I am so sorry your knee is giving you such a fit! To answer your question, mine does hurt if I try to straighten it completely, or bend it too much. 10 - 75 degrees seems about right to minimize my pain. Also when walking, I am walking on the outside of my foot to avoid putting complete weight on the knee. If I step regular, the interior of the knee where it's total bone on bone, grinds and OUCH :shk:. I can hear and feel the crunching. When the pain is intense, I have heat that runs from the upper knee down the leg to the ankle. Feels like it's on fire, even while icing. Swelling is very noticable to myself and others.
My GP told me today while I was in for the UTI with low grade fever that the knee is unstable because I probably have nothing holding it together. The IT Band in the left leg that hasn't bothered me until now is tight. You'd think with all the NSAIDs I've been taking, I wouldn't have so much inflamation. Especially since I've been icing and elevating while resting so much. The 800 mg of ibuprophen with ice is keeping the pain under control for about 6 hours, then it returns. If I'm not paying attention to the time, my knee surely lets me know when its time to take more.
Mostly you have to stay completely off of it for 3-4 days to get it to cool down and be manageable. Only getting up for the bathroom. I even eat in my bed. Then slowly add activity. The total knee stabilizer helps with pain and doesn't allow it to slip around. It is just so cumbersome. Have to do acrobatics to get in and out of vehicle.

Started with walker, then progressed to 2 crutches, now use 1 crutch or cane on opposite side.
If nothing else, the RTKR has proved to be very stable and strong. I told my pt at least it won't collapse on me. :thmb:
Hope you get some relief soon. Might want to reconsider that scope. My OS said he would normally go in and scope it to clean it up but with LTKR pending in 13 days no use. So bidding my time and trying to be realistic on what is necessary and what isn't.