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Scar Tissue Removal

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Mar 12, 2008
Monument, CO
United States United States
I know we've talked about this a little but I can't recall anyone else on this site having scar tissue removed after a tkr. I've had both of my knees replaced and thought I was done with the knees for at least 20 years but no such luck.

My first knee to have been replaced is now 15 months old and I'm still experiencing pain whenever I go up or down or walk long distances. I've had 4 surgeries on this knee and my OS told me there was a lot of scar tissue. He will remove it sometime in the upcoming month. It should be a simple surgery but I'm REALLY not excited about having any more surgeries having to do with my knees or anything else for that matter. He said this was elective but I feel that I didn't go through all this to still have pain if there was a chance of getting rid of it..... This will be my 5th surgery in two years. I feel like a pin cushion..... Karen


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So sorry to hear about this-- but you are right. You haven't gone through all those surgeries to "settle" and still be in so much pain. You would be sorry down the line if you don't give this a shot. Is this an arthroscopic procedure?

Hang in there... you are one strong lady. I truly admire you and consider you one of my BoneSmart "heroes".

We're here for you.

Thanks Beach. Yes this will be a scope, same day surgery so it shouldn't be a big deal. I've known it was coming to this for a few months and put it off while I took some time trying to get rid of this chronic cough I've had for over 10 years. No luck so far. Most recently, I've had a chest CAT SCAN with contrast and Bronchoscopy where they probe inside the lungs and luckily, that was all good. Also went on the good ole prednisone for awhile and a few weeks worth of antibiotics. I like to concentrate on one thing at a time.

My hip is on the horizon too. Even though I've been through two joint replacements, I'm still questioning myself as to when it's time. I would have to say after the experiences of my two knees, I KNOW not to put it off until it's extremely bad. There is just no reason to wait until you can't walk across the room. My OS has told me a hip replacement is a lot easier then knees but still, just the thought of going through major surgery again!

How are you feeling these days, Beach?
Karen sorry to hear you hasve to have yet more surgery. They should award patients awards when they get past a certain number of surgeries. Perhaps they could do one surgery for free?

Good luck when they decide when they are doing it. Let us know won't you? ((((HUGS))))) Sue
Karen, wish we could make all go away. I like Sue's idea, buy 3 get 1 sale...
To get rid of that cough maybe you need to quit smoking.. (kidding)
Feeling better is also on the horizon.
Aaww Karen. What a bummer! Don't know what to say ....
[] Scar Tissue Removal

Karen, DANG!!! Ya gotta go for it and pray it will finally do the trick. You are strong and I know you'll bounce back quickly afterwards - minus all that yukkie scar tissue! I'll be holding you in my prayers and sending you constant (((HUGS)))))!!!!
Jo, the surgery I'm having is called Synovectomy. Are you familiar with it? Everything I've found on the Internet sounds like it's usually done on someone with RA but mine is osteoarthritis. I set the surgery date today for Feb 11th.

Thanks everyone for your comments. This is my 4th operation with this particular surgeon but my 13th overall, I think. He should give me this one for free but maybe I'll wait for the free one to be the hip replacement that he'll do next. That might be a better deal.

Oh, and Jen, I've never taken a puff of a cigarette in my life! And that's any type of cigarette for those with other things on their minds! I know this group! You would think I smoked, however, between the coughing and the raspy voice I have from the steroid inhallers I've been on all my adult life!
I had both knees replaced last February which would be not quite 11 months ago and I am still in theraphy three times a week. I still have lots of pain and stiffness when I walk to much or when I go up and down stairs. I watch three month old twins and a four year old and I am up and down stairs a lot. My therapist is suppose to talk to my surgeon today and I am also calling him tomorrow. This is the first I have heard of anyone having this much pain still. The only other surgeries on the knees I had were scopes. I would be very interested to know how you make out. How did he know you had to much scar tissue and is he sure that is what is causing the pain? I cant take pain meds because they make me sick or give me migraines so I get very little sleep. I am allergic to codeine so as you can see I am very limited. I would be very interested in any advice or knowledge you can share with me. Thanks Susan
Oh yes, I am familiar with synovectomies. Many years ago it was a common operation but we didn't have arthroscopes then! And those were usually on RA patients. Synovitis and overgrowth of synovium is common in arthritis, be it osteo or rheumatoid though in RA it is often worse.

However, you said it was scar tissue he is removing. Scar tissue is not synovium. Synovium is the lining of the joint that produces the synovial fluid to lubricate the joint. But perhaps I am nit-picking! Perhaps he's just using that term for convenience as it does tend to cover a variety of issues.
(Enough! I'm rambling!)

The nitty-gritty is that you are having excess tissue removed to free up your knee. The name of the tissue is coincidental so long as it does the job and truly it's not that big a deal. You'll bounce back and be fine.
"Oh, and Jen, I've never taken a puff of a cigarette in my life! And that's any type of cigarette for those with other things on their minds! I know this group! You would think I smoked, however, between the coughing and the raspy voice I have from the steroid inhallers I've been on all my adult life! "

I thought that. I was just kidding you! Is the scar removal anything like MAU?
No! It's more like an arthroscopy - in fact it IS an arthroscopy. With some nibbling and debridement.

I still have lots of pain and stiffness when I walk to much or when I go up and down stairs. I would be very interested to know how you make out. How did he know you had to much scar tissue and is he sure that is what is causing the pain?Thanks Susan

Susan, my pain is mainly with movement and not when I am still. Is that how yours is? My pain hurts but it's not debiliating unless I really overdo it. I usually don't need pain medication. This isn't something that it would help if that makes any sense.

Oh yes, I am familiar with synovectomies.....However, you said it was scar tissue he is removing. Scar tissue is not synovium. Synovium is the lining of the joint that produces the synovial fluid to lubricate the joint. But perhaps I am nit-picking! Perhaps he's just using that term for convenience as it does tend to cover a variety of issues.[/I](Enough! I'm rambling!)

The nitty-gritty is that you are having excess tissue removed to free up your knee. The name of the tissue is coincidental so long as it does the job and truly it's not that big a deal. You'll bounce back and be fine.

Yes, I think you are correct Jo. I think he may have titled it synovium for a matter of convenience. The scheduling nurse gave me this name when she called me to set up surgery. You may remember a few months back that I was trying to describe what he had told me; that the lining around the joint was badly infected when he did the tkr and he thought it was still infected. So, I'm thinking it may be that and/or the scar tissue. I guess we shall see in the end.

I thought that. I was just kidding you! Is the scar removal anything like MAU?
Of course I knew you were kidding you silly girl! :'D No, not an mua but a different name for a scope.
OK Karen, now lets just you and me go sneak out behind the shed and get a smoke... lol
Actually I did smoke, bout 2 packs a day til about 8-9 years ago. Quit cold turkey. So glad I did.
Karen, I have scar tissue in my right leg and it sounds like velcro being pulled apart every time I bend it. Thank God it doesn't impair the way it bends, only hurts when I bend it. Took a bad fall a couple of weeks ago and landed hard on my right side, knee and hip predominantly and jammed my shoulder which is having a bad effect on my neck. Now, however, I am beginning to have a bit of the velcro and pain in the right knee. I don't know why some people have this and others do not, I just am glad that I don't have the terrible pain I had prior to the BTKR and will, when it is aggravating enough have it taken care of. I feel exactly like you do about further surgeries but when it rains it tends to pour. I have another surgery of a more personal nature in the future, and am looking at surgery on my eye. Seems when I was going through all I did around the time of my surgery and the time I found out about my son that what I thought was nerves was something going on with my retina. Like I said when it rains it pours. Good luck, I will keep you in my prayers. Rowdy
Good for you Jen! Smoking is such a nasty habit and I realized that as a teenager which is why I never tried it. It has always been totally unappealing to me.

My coworker has been trying to stop smoking and she's limiting herself to before and after work only right now. It is a start, at least. She has had a lot of health problems that have caused her to lose a lot of weight and she only weighs 90 lbs. She has been eating a lot of junk food to replace the cigarettes and I've been encouraging her to do so. The only problem is she wants me to eat the junk food with her! No, I can't do that! I tired to just give her about 30 of my pounds but she just won't take it. Friends!

Rowdy, I will keep you in my prayers too. Hang in there. Did you make an appointment to see your OS after the fall? Maybe you should if you are still feeling the side effects of it. And you are right. It's been pouring for me for about 4 years now.

My knee to be operated on sounds like velcro too. My OS tells me that's air pockets. Take care of yourself. Karen
I was a lot thinner when I smoked I think, and I have battled that mental demon many times, brain says when I'm not feeling so good about myself, "youknow, you were alot skinnier when you smoked" as if it was trying to convince me to smoke again. But in reality my weight gain had more to do with inactivity componded by the prednisone.
Rowdy, I'm sorry to hear about your eye. I hope your surgery goes well and that you heal quickly.
Karen, yes my pain is with movement , not when I am sitting. It is worse if I overdue it and that is when it is really bad. It does hurt to go up and down stairs which I have to do many times a day. My therapist talked to the doctor yesterday but said he really had nothing to add just to keep doing what I am doing. But my question still is how do they know if you do have too much scar tissue? It is not the same pain as before the surgery. If it goes away in time I will be fine but if I have to live with it well thats another story. Thanks Susan
Rowdy, so sorry that you need another surgery or two! Dang, you have been through it, girl!!! I'll be praying for you....that you get a rest for a while. You deserve lots of rain.
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