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Scar location and flexation

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Max Wallace

Jun 20, 2008
I had two surgeons one left handed and one right handed that performed the surgery on both knees at once. One scar runs perfectly down the center of my knee the other starts out above my knee centered then curves around the kneecap and ends up centered below the knee. My primary surgeon did the straight knee. The knee where the scar goes directly over the kneecap was much harder to achieve flexation than the knee where the scar curves around, on the this same knee was at 0% flat after surgery. The knee with the curve scar was much easier to bend and gain flexation but harder to straighten to 0%. The DR. said it had nothing to do with where the incision was but on ligiment tightness. Anybody else had an experience like this??
Re: Scare location and flexation

The surgeon is correct. And just because a person has two knees done at once doesn't mean they are going to progress identically! They were probably not identical in condition to begin with! I suggest you try not to focus on the difference in incisions and accept that there will always be a difference in ROM between your knees. Remind me when you had your op?
Re: Scare location and flexation

I am 7 weeks out and having no problems. Just interested if anyone else had a simular experience.
Re: Scare location and flexation

Hi Max,

I've had both knees replaced. The first knee was a nightmare and I ended up needing a manipulation. I went into the second knee surgery 8 months later expecting another nightmare and found that I could walk out of the hospital with a cane. I had 125 ROM by week 3 with little effort. The same surgeon operated on both knees. I have to agree with Jo. The outcome had to do more with the condition of the knee prior to surgery. My nightmare knee was by far, the worst knee of the two. Karen
Re: Scare location and flexation

I have a foot long s shaped scar that has been cut on six times since the early 80's. My leg bends fair. Lol

Re: Scare location and flexation

I have a scar shaped like an S--the reason the Dr. did this was he was trying to blend into my old scar....
I am 8 weeks out and my ROM i 103 now.....walking without my cane and over all doing pretty good. I have been faithful to doing my exercises and I think that helps...Carol
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