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Scar and healing

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Aug 9, 2009
United States United States
Hi again. I got my staples out about 11 days ago. My scar was nice and tight. I just noticed the scar is opening up a little bit with pinkness showing through. I assume this is normal as both knees are doing this.

Just was alarmed a little bit and wondering if this fresh skin is more prone to any germs?



BTKR 8/25/09
If the scar is opening up, it is wise to put new steri strips on...
Both of mine opened up like a chicken breast ready to be stuffed........... Not good. Yes, infection can get in there and you will be in big trouble! So, put some steri-strips on where it is splitting and do not exercise too much. I had to back off the exercise bike for a week when it happened to me. The scars are now wider in those areas where it split.
Hey Cotton, Mine didnt do that but I agree with the steri strips but if you are concerned please call your OS.........take it easy............I wish you the best..........)
Any discharge from the opening? Or redness around the incision area?
No discharge or redness.

My incision was looked at last Wed. by a PT at the hospital clinic, and all was ok in that regard. He found a staple (staples were removed by Home Nurse)...which is to come out Monday in OS office.
Oh that's good. Then your doctor can take a look at it on Monday. Perfect. I don't think it's anything to worry about, but some new steri-strips are probably a good idea.
There's often a little movement in the skin edges when the staples have been removed. It's quite normal and has no particular significance. It's just the skin spreading out after having been scrunched up tight by the staples. It'll dry off and settle in a few days. :D
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