Re: Saying NO Way to Manupulation!!!
Elmtree, I know this process must seem endless and I understand your desire to have it over with and NOW! I think we all felt that way at about the 5-6 week point, even when a manipulation was not needed. So your feelings are completely normal.
But, if your surgeon recommends a manipulation, you really do need to seriously consider it. It is possible that you will not reach your full potential range of motion without it. It means you have developed scar tissue that cannot be broken up otherwise. That scar tissue is holding you back. You've come this far.....and manipulations in almost all cases are successful in giving you more movement almost right from the beginning.
Try not to focus on what actually goes on during the procedure. You won't know any of that as you'll be peacefully asleep! It does hurt a little when you come out, but if you read previous posts from people who have had manipulations, the pain is NOTHING like the knee replacement and it goes away soon. Most people are so thrilled to have additional movement, the pain is really secondary.
You are the one who has to make this decision. If you are satisfied with your current range of motion and it allows you to do everything you want in life, then I guess you could say no and just deal with it. But, reading between the lines of your post, I think you really WANT more movement in your knees and are just scared of the procedure. If that's the case, keep posting and talk it out with people on the forum who have had this done and are in better shape afterwards.
Good luck to you, hon. These big decisions are soooooo tough!!!