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Saw my OS today.

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Feb 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Hey friends. Well, I saw my OS today. He gave me a cortisone injection in my other knne, as it has been under a lot of strain these past 5.5 months. He has also scheduled me for an MUA on July 7th, and have physio booked for the morning after. So now I am getting nervous all over again, worse than for the TKR I think. I hope it works as well as Laurie's did. I only have 93 ROM at the moment so any improvement well be welcome. How is your ROM now Cathy(Newwoman)?

This time I only want to take Extra Strength Advil for the pain as I am working so hard to get off the Percs, I don't want to go backwards. Down to a quarter 4.5 hourly (but am having bad withdrawal symptons with it today for some reason). Maybe it is the cortisone reacting with it? Who knows?

He took more x-rays today. I asked if I could see them and Kevin took photos for me with his cell phone. I will post them here in a minute.
[] Saw my OS today.

[] Saw my OS today.

Cool to see what my new knee looks like on the inside. I might just put these in my passport next year when I visit the UK.
Sue nice knee! July 7, that's not to far off. I bet you will be so glad when it is all over. Seems almost all of those who get MAU do tons better after.
Thanks Jenn, I was looking back at old threads and saw some good reports, so I feel a little better now.
That looks like an excellently placed pair of prostheses, Sue! The edges of the prostheses seem to almost morph into the edges of the bone.
Nobody's ever told me that before Jo, thankyou!!! LOL I'll tell my surgeon if I see him when I'm still awake.
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