Hey friends. Well, I saw my OS today. He gave me a cortisone injection in my other knne, as it has been under a lot of strain these past 5.5 months. He has also scheduled me for an MUA on July 7th, and have physio booked for the morning after. So now I am getting nervous all over again, worse than for the TKR I think. I hope it works as well as Laurie's did. I only have 93 ROM at the moment so any improvement well be welcome. How is your ROM now Cathy(Newwoman)?
This time I only want to take Extra Strength Advil for the pain as I am working so hard to get off the Percs, I don't want to go backwards. Down to a quarter 4.5 hourly (but am having bad withdrawal symptons with it today for some reason). Maybe it is the cortisone reacting with it? Who knows?
He took more x-rays today. I asked if I could see them and Kevin took photos for me with his cell phone. I will post them here in a minute.
Cool to see what my new knee looks like on the inside. I might just put these in my passport next year when I visit the UK.
This time I only want to take Extra Strength Advil for the pain as I am working so hard to get off the Percs, I don't want to go backwards. Down to a quarter 4.5 hourly (but am having bad withdrawal symptons with it today for some reason). Maybe it is the cortisone reacting with it? Who knows?
He took more x-rays today. I asked if I could see them and Kevin took photos for me with his cell phone. I will post them here in a minute.
Cool to see what my new knee looks like on the inside. I might just put these in my passport next year when I visit the UK.