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same hip replaced

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junior member
Jan 17, 2009
United States
I just found this site a few days ago.I have really enjoyed reading the different stories of the people involved.I don't feel as nearly alone anymore.I would like to share my story.I'm 54 yrs. old and I'm a truck driver.When I was 13 yrs. old my right hip was broken in a auto accident.4 pins were put in my hip then.2 yrs. later they were removed.I was left with that leg about 3" shorter than my other.As you can imagine I had a lot of back pain as I walked.I wound up having my boots and shoes built up.But still a terrible limp.
Fast forward to 2008.I tore a cartilage in my left knee in Jan.,and had it repaired in Feb..The Dr. did a excellent job.I was off work a little over a week.This past summer,I noticed that when I walked,I would feel electric shocks run down both legs.The only way I could get any relief,was to bend my body as far forward as I could when I walked.I used to bowl.But I had to stop because it was just too painful.
I returned to the DR. that had done my knee surgery.He took x-rays of my back and of my hip.He informed me that the shocks that I felt were coming from the Sciatic nerve.And that I would never get any relief without a THP.He is a OS.But he said my hip was the worst he had ever seen,and refused to do the surgery.Instead,he made me an appt. with a sports DR. in another town.I still don't know what a sports
Long story short.I had THP done last Sept.On my second follow up visit,he informed me that my new hip had moved,and I would have to have the surgery redone using a different type of prost..I cried on the way home with this news.
So 6 wks. and 4 days later I had THP again.That was about 8 wks. ago. I am now home with the leg about 1" shorter than the other.This DR. does not talk much.He told me no PT this time.He says he just wants me to heal.I have been doing some exercises at home.I just graduated from the walker to a cane this week.I was hoping to return to work next month.But I still have a long way to go yet. Please excuse me for the length of this post.
Welcome aboard Mr. T! You've come to the right place. Sounds as though you've been through quite an ordeal. I certainly understand your eagerness to get back to work. As Josephine, our resident expert, would say ... we didn't get this way overnight so why do we think our recovery should be instantaneous?

Hang in there. Keep coming to this site for support. It's a great place to have questions answered and to share your experience.

Mr. T,

I'm sorry to hear that you ahd to have a revision on your hip. Being near the 6 eweek mark on mine, the idea of going back in the hospital to start all over again would be, well as you described, overwelming.

The good news is its over, and hopefully they fixed whatever the problem may have been. Leg length discrepency is, unfortunately, still too common for my liking in THRs. But it is a significant improvement over your previous 3" discrepency and, I am assuming (and hoping), your pain is gone???

Keep us posted how things work out for you.
Mr T, how frustrating having to have it repeated. I had a LHR in July 08 only to have it repeated 10 weeks later due to the stem rotating. Like you I was almost in tears at having to have the whole process repeated. The second surgery went better than the first one in terms of results and recovery but I found having to repeat the whole process frustrating nonetheless. Just remember you've had 40 years of compensating for a damaged hip so there will be a lot of rebuilding going on. Also having two major surgeries very close together takes a big toll on the body. I still get very tired at the end of each day and I am almost 3.5 months post op.
Thank you for your replies.And yes,I now walk without the electric shocks.I can now stand straight up,and lay down with the back of my knees touching the bed.Two things that I had not been able to do in over 40 yrs.What a blessing!
On my last DR. visit I asked about having my shoes built up.He said no not yet.He said that my spine had been cramped together for over 40 yrs. He is hoping that in time,the spine might correct itself,and my leg length would be even. I hope he is right.
Welcome, Mr. T!!! There have been folks on this forum who have come out of hip surgery with leg discrepancies that have corrected themselves......but be prepared that it might take a while. You spent all this time walking a certain way and now suddenly things in your body are different. Understandably it will take a while for things to "settle" into the new alignment. Hang in here when you need support!!
Another part of my story is that I had to be hospitalized two wks. after my second surgery,for pneumonia.It seems like it has been a uphill battle.I hope the worst is behind me now.
This was the first time in our marriage,that my wife or I ever had to be hospitalized.I would not have able to make it without her help.I also have two son's.They are 31 and 33 yrs.old.This is the first time in their lives,that they have seen their father stand straight up.
Hello, Mr T. What a trial you have had! I would have been mega disappointed to find the first hip failed so soon. That's not good surgery.

But you take it easy. Sounds like he must have used an cementless prosthesis and wants to make sure it 'beds in' well before you start using it properly. In hips (unlike knees) there's nothing in the way of rehab that can't be made up in time.
I certainly appreciate your input.Something went wrong in the first surgery,but I probably will never know what.The first surgery lasted approx.5 hrs.The second one,a little over 2 hrs.On my first surgery,the insurance would only pay for a 4 day stay.The OS did not want me discharged then.He wanted me to stay longer.He told me then,that he was afraid that the hip would move.He was right.He told me that my old hip was full of calcium deposits.And that was the reason for the lengthy surgery.
On the second surgery,he had another OS in the room to help him.I only spent 3 days in the hospital after the second surgery.And it was also a lot less painful.My next appt.with him is in about 3 wks.Maybe I'll learn more then.
:Hi Mr T,,,,,and welcome to Bonesmart! Wow!!! You really have had your share of pain and discomfort! Like everyone else here, I'd like to offer you support and encouragement! As you've been reading, it DOES get better! Your family must be thrilled with your progress! Continued good luck with your recovery and post often so we know how you're doing!!!!
Welcome Mr T.

I had my right hip replaced last June. I was very lucky to have no complications adn have equal leg length. My back however has had many problems which were not helped by fixing my hip. so I do understand all you had to go through after.
I sure hope this time has done the trick and you are on the road to complete recovery. Hip surgery when done correctly is just awesome. It is still early in recovery for you so don't be too surprised by little aches and pains. Write down all the questions you can think of for your next doc visit. I always have a list going.

Welcome again, post often

Hello again everybody.I have an update.About 2 weeks ago I parked my walker and am now on a walking cane.I still am not real stable on it yet,but I'm slowly getting better.Today I visited my OS.He seemed well pleased with my progress.He wants me to start PT now.He said I need to start on trying to strengthen my leg and on making it more flexible.So I guess I'm about to start a new adventure.He also said for me to go ahead and get measured for a built up shoe.We have a little difference of opinion here.He says that according to my x-rays there is less than 1" difference in the length of my legs.It looks more like 1 1/2" to me.I guess we will find out soon enough.I really NEED to return to work.But he now says not before April.So I guess I'll be forced into spoiling the grandchildren a while longer.
"Forced to" - that'll take some doing, no doubt!
[] same hip replaced

Another update.I forgot to mention that on my last visit to my OS,I finally remembered to ask him what type of new hip I have.It's a metal ball and polyethylene liners.I don't know if that is good or not.But that is what he said it was.
I had my first PT session today since my last surgery.It only lasted about 45 min.The therapist advised me to wait another 2 or 3 weeks before having a shoe built up.He is hoping that the PT might help even the leg up some.It would be wonderful to me if there would be no more than 3/4".I could just get a shoe insole then,and not have to get a shoe built up.I'm supposed to go back tomorrow morning for another session,if I'm not too sore to roll out of bed.I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.
Glad I'm not the only one who didn't know what the OS put into them. I didn't even ask with either hip or knee... OOOPS! As long as he put the right one in the right place I didn't care,

Chris :)
Another update.I am currently going to PT 3 times a week now.After yesterday's session I was really exhausted.Today I am supposed to have my legs measured,to see how much difference there is in length.I've never had this done before.I talked on the phone,to a man that actually does the measuring.He explained that the goal is actually to have the damaged leg 1/4" shorter than the good one.I had never heard this before.I'm still hoping that all I need is a shoe insert.I will hopefully know more this evening.
I talked on the phone,to a man that actually does the measuring.He explained that the goal is actually to have the damaged leg 1/4" shorter than the good one.I had never heard this before.

Neither have I - but then there's a lot I have heard of yet! Interesting factoid, Mr T. Here's hoping for you ....
That's interesting. Maybe the goal is the 1/4 inch difference because your leg was so much shorter than that. My right leg is 1/4 shorter (operated leg) than left, which is so much better than before surgery (probably over an inch difference then). My Dr. did his best to make them even. I have found that I walk so much more evenly despite the minor difference. And no need for any insoles or the like.

Good luck with that measuring.

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