I am nervous, but more calm than last time. Do I just keep this thread going, or do I need to make a new one?
That's up to you. You can either continue this thread, or since it's the day before your surgery, you can start a new recovery thread, if that's your choice. I am glad you're feeling less anxious than last time. It likely helps that you somewhat know what to expect, eases the jitters a bit.
Oh goodness. I just realized I should spend some time tomorrow sitting in my new recliner because I won't be able to use it for a few months after Tuesday. Sigh. I love that chair.
Unless your surgeon forbids you sitting in a recliner, many of us used a recliner during recovery.
Do you need a recliner for recovery? The short answer is, no. While a recliner isn't a necessary recovery item, many are unable to imagine their recovery without one. Not only are they loved for comfort and convenience, but for the assistance they offer at a time when getting out of a chair can feel like a challenge.
While your mobility is limited, a lift recliner offers ease with sitting down and getting up. Recliners can provide a wide range of positions for you to relax, keeping you comfortable while you're healing. You may need to make the recliner sit a bit higher if it doesn't have lift capability, but that can easily be done with a simple wood platform or blocks.
Reclining with your feet above heart level, toes above the nose, allows gravity to naturally reduce swelling and inflammation, boosting circulation and aiding in recovery.
Best wishes for tomorrow, Roxi! Will be watching for your first post op update.