Rough Day

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Jun 20, 2008
Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
Even though I'm seven weeks out now, today has been a rough day. Actually, it was a rough weekend. We had lots of rain here over the weekend--Hurricane Ike has a far reach. Now I don't mean to complain--in comparison to the folks in Texas, I am just fine. My knee, however, did like the weather. It also didn't like physical therapy today. It is stiff and more swollen. I hopped on the bike here at home and couldn't go all the way around! I'm tired of my homemade ice bags leaking.

On the positive side: I just "won" a Polar Care 500 with the knee pad on ebay for a total of $94.00 with the shipping. That should help with the icing, and I know I will need the other knee done some day.

I also called the doctor's office and they are sending me new prescriptions for more Dilaudid and Tylenol 3--and no one questioned my still needing them.

I know I am doing well, but some days are just rough--and I know all my friends here will nod their heads in agreement and know what I'm talking about.

Thanks to all of you for being here.

if at 7 weeks you are questioned about your pain meds, it is time for a face to face with your OS. 7 months maybe, not 7 weeks.

Sorry to hear of your rough day. I also had PT today and really enjoy it. Hang in there, as you know some days are rough but behind the clouds the sun does shine. I try to say that I feel better today than yesterday but worse than tomorrow. One day this will all be a memory and we can set back and laugh at. We care!

God Bless
I completely understand, Linda2.....even though logic tells you it is "normal" to have these feelings or problems, it sometimes just feels overwhelming. We all have experienced your feelings in one way or another during the recovery process. We've had so much rain here in Kansas City, it was getting to me too! But hopefully once the sun comes back out there in Michigan, both you and your knee will feel better. Here's a ((((HUG))))) for you!
This thread made me think that after my mid March surgery around 1 May I started a thread about every time a storm comes through I hurt. Last weekend when Ike remnants doused Illinois I didn't even think of knees. So somewhere between 2-6 months it seems weather is no longer a factor. Just a bit of hope for those who are there now.
I am now a little over 3 months out, and I so remember worrying about calling to get a refill for pain meds at 7 weeks. I too thought they would think I was crazy, but there were absolutely no questions. It was almost as if it is the norm, which I think I learned that it is the norm at 7 weeks. It will get better, just wait for better days! Hang on to the small accomplishments, this always has helped me. Good luck!
Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. It still is a bit rough here. I am more stiff and my ROM is less. I will talk to the PT tomorrow. I think something we did Monday aggravated it, but I don't know what. I wonder if she added more weight to some of the exercises.
Are you doing anything with heat on your knee? Heating pad or hot tub or hot bath? That can help relieve stiffness sometimes. Also alternating between ice and heat can break up inflammation. 20 minutes of each alternating.....wishing you relief!
Linda -
Hi - I am sorry to hear that the storm affected the knee that way - I am dreading the cold this winter for the same reason. You have been doing so Awesome - it will come back once things stretch out again. This rollercoaster of a few good days and a bad day here and there stink. It passes! Trust me - you mentioned more weight??? that may have caused some of the swelling and hence the loss of rom (my story!) - Once the swelling gets down your rom should go back up. We started pushing the treadmil on Monday and then - whoooooshhh - big times swelling that lasted into Wednesday and blew my rom. Looked good yesterday to start then did the treadmill and again - ughhhh big swelling today! I think I may slow it down on the treadmill even though I really enjoy it - just till the rom gets better -

Hang in - this too will pass - sending warm thoughts of good rom numbers your way!
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