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Road to Recovery

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Jan 17, 2007
I am recovering from a successful MIS right hip replacement in November of last year. My leg strength is much better and range of motion is improving, though I must say that I am still yearning for the day that I can tie my own shoe. My concerns are as follows: My right leg continues to feel longer than the left. My surgeon asures me that this sensation will disipate with time, but my concerns linger. In addition, my left hip seems to getting worse as I rehabilitate the replaced right one. Has anyone experienced opposite hip deterioration and subsequent recovery ( hopefully ) as the replaced hip recovers full function?

I would appreciate hearing of experiences anyone might be willing to share about their roads to full recovery.

Hi Hambone,

I had my left hip replaced in late Nov. and because my doctor made a big mistake calculating my pelvis length ( I had a congenital dislocation which lowered my pelvis and made my left leg slightly longer) Now my left leg is 1 inch longer than the right and I suffer with a severe limp. To me, this is unacceptable and my surgeon's "shoe lift" solution didn't apply. Since my surgery, I am experiencing pain in my right hip and lower back. Even a slight imbalance can cause undue pressure. How much longer is your right leg? I suggest shoe lifts for now, however, if it's an inch or longer, I may suggest correcting this with surgery. Unfortunately I have to and I'm not happy with it at all. In fact, I am planning to sue my doctor.

Hope my comments helped and let me know how you're doing,

Hippy in TO
Thanks Hippy. I am sorry to hear that your experience was less than optimal. Visually, my leg does not seem different in length than the other, though I have not seen the doctor lately to have them measured. The long leg sensation, I hope and have been told, is as a result of scar tissure and tight muscles. Nonetheless, I am off kilter and now left hip is becoming irritated. As a result I am growing concerned that the long leg sensation may be permanent and my left hip is in for continued stress.

I have not concluded yet that my doc did anything wrong. Maybe I am just too impatient. I therefore continue to diligently attend my PT sessions
Dear Hambone,

I had my hip replaced four months ago. After I came home from rehab I had the same issue, with a totally different answer and treatment from my MD: The hip muscles around the outside were still loose from being cut and moved for the replacement. I was given exercises to help strengthen those muscles, thereby tightening (and drawing upward) the hip. It worked like a charm! My exercise was standing and lifting the operated leg out to the side 20 times, three times a day. This was repeated on the other side too. Also I did it frontwise and to the back. I hope your MD can help you with this - it sure seemd like an easy fix for me at the time. Good Luck
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