Hi everyone!
I'm not new to BoneSmart having participated on the knee side of things for both my knee replacements. But I just had my right hip done and I have been surprised at the amount of pain I am having as I can't tell you how many times I have heard "hips are so much easier than knees!" The first bit of walking after being in bed or in the recliner is absolutely excruciating, particularly first thing in the morning or late afternoon or evening. I'm at a rehab facility so they aren't quite as on top of pain control as I was when I had my knees done and was at home. But I didn't have anybody who could stay with me this time so rehab it was.
It's funny about these things. I know it isn't a "race" but you would rather not be at the bottom of the barrel. The OT and PT say my ability to function is very good but I just was not expecting the level of pain I'm having. When does the pain improve? When does it become easier to get your legs on and off the bed? I would love to hear about other's earlier experiences with pain. TIA!
I'm not new to BoneSmart having participated on the knee side of things for both my knee replacements. But I just had my right hip done and I have been surprised at the amount of pain I am having as I can't tell you how many times I have heard "hips are so much easier than knees!" The first bit of walking after being in bed or in the recliner is absolutely excruciating, particularly first thing in the morning or late afternoon or evening. I'm at a rehab facility so they aren't quite as on top of pain control as I was when I had my knees done and was at home. But I didn't have anybody who could stay with me this time so rehab it was.
It's funny about these things. I know it isn't a "race" but you would rather not be at the bottom of the barrel. The OT and PT say my ability to function is very good but I just was not expecting the level of pain I'm having. When does the pain improve? When does it become easier to get your legs on and off the bed? I would love to hear about other's earlier experiences with pain. TIA!