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Feb 24, 2009
United States
does anyone else have problem with sleeping from stiffness i usually sleep on my side but after hip replacement i cannot have to sleep on my back my leg usually gets really still and tight at night have not taken any pain meds only had pain meds when i was in hospital for 2 days just cannot get comfortable at night any help Dick
Welcome to the forum, Dick. I am very surprised that you are not taking some type of pain medication. Why not? That could be your problem with sleeping! I believe your discomfort may be pain related.
I am amazed that you do not need any pain meds. I am a side sleeper and could not get comfortable sleeping on my back. I would alternate between my back and unoperated side. The nurses kind of helped me with that in the hospital (requires a pillow between the legs, lots behind you to keep you from rolling on your back). But at your stage of the game, I was on pain meds and something for sleeping too.

i have not had any real pain at all just stiffness in my leg should i take pain meds for that and would they make me sleep better
Maybe try one before you go to bed and see if it helps at all.

Lucky you to have no pain!!
Well, saying you do not having any pain but you 'just cannot get comfortable' is a total contradiction in terms! It's impossible for someone to have no pain so soon after surgery. You are obviously experiencing pain but your brain is just calling it something else - in this case, tight and stiff! 'Tight' to me means you have pain.

Pain may not always be a sharp or agonizing thing. In the later period of recovery, it becomes a low grade persistant ache or discomfort or tightness. But call it what you like - it's still pain and you need to medicate it or you'll suffer from not sleeping well or getting the right kind of rest. You won't need much - maybe just some Tylenol or even ibuprofen - but you do need something.
i guess being involved in sports and having many pulls and sprains in my life it is just discomfort to me not real pain
Possibly - but there is a big difference between getting a sprain and having a major, bone cutting operation. Be kind to yourself!
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