I had my surgery 12-17 and had redness and irritation for quite some time. My steri strips finally came off last week (with some help). The staples created irritation that lasted quite a while. I kept thinking the incision might be infected, but it wasn't. Now that all the strips are off and I can wash it, it is better. I use lotions on it several times a day to keep it moisturized and itch free. Also, the massage helps the scar tissue lessen and I hope it helps the blood supply and, therefore, the healilng.
I think what you are experiencing sounds totally normal to me, although I was freaking out when I felt that exact same way.
Muscle aches seem normal as the leg heals and you use different muscles more. My calf muscle aches a lot and has for weeks. Hang in there. I think this is all a part of the normal healing process.
God bless!