Recovery time after LTHR?

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junior member
Jun 17, 2009
Canada Canada
Hello folks. I'm 21 years old and have a scheduled LTHR on Jul 15, 2009. Doctor advised me that my recovery will take about 6 weeks and I can start driving after 6 weeks as well. This is a primary concern for me as I start university (4th year) in 2nd week of September. This means I have exactly 7 weeks for recovery. Do you think this is okay? Is it safe for me to start driving to school (about a 10 min drive) and walk around in school as well? I don't use a backpack and carry around a pen and a binder. Thus, I won't be carrying anything heavy with me in school. Let me know please. Thank you :):):)

Looking forward to a pain free life! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Hi there,

If your recovery goes smoothly, you should be ok :) I went back to work full-time after 6 weeks (IT job at a University with as much or little walking as I could cope with), but for the next couple of weeks after that I was pretty tired at the end of each day. I was still on one crutch then, mostly to avoid doing the limping thing. My drive to work is also 10 mins at most - I just needed an extra minute or 2 to get carefully in and out of my little car.

By three months I was in great condition - a pain free life is just awesome.

All the best!
Great post Monica!!! I am a knee so I cant really say but I think if you do what you are supposed to but dont over due it youll be fine. Alot of hipsters in here seem to be doing fantastic. I believe you will to. And be so happy you had this done. Now you live your life but not in pain....Lil after surgery but that pain will go away this pain you have now wont..Good luck to you. Post anytime we have all been there.........
Hi Tapan - my son is your age and I have been reading all your posts with the utmost sympathy!

I am 49 and had a LTHR last October. I was driving again at 6 weeks post-op (I drove home from my 6 week check-up appt), and went back to work the next day! Admittedly, I did start back just 3 days a week because I am on my feet all day long - either standing or walking around.

As Monica has already said, you will probably be exhausted at the end of the first few days - I know I was! But I would think that by the 7 week mark you will be able to return to Uni and all that entails with no problems at all!

I am still (at 8 months post-op) amazed that the awful, grinding, constant arthritic pain has gone on my left side! And that is worth more than I can say................! :thmb:

Good luck with it all - you won't be sorry you've had the surgery - you will be getting your life back!
Looking forward to a pain free life! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

With that attitude you should progress very well.:thmb:
I was walking a lot by the 7 week mark (several miles !) and you should cope just fine. Follow all the advice from your OS and PT, work at the exercises, and I am sure you will get there in time !:thmb:

I remain truly amazed at how my HR has changed my life (for the good obviously!) :D
And to pain free is absolutely fantastic and very liberating after years of suffering

Good luck and keep us posted !! :thmb::D

The main two things to consider when recommencing driving are that

a) you can move your leg/foot easily from pedal to pedal and execute an emergency stop.
b) you are not on any narcotic pain killers. Driving under the influence of drugs is an offence in most countries and could land you in big trouble even if you haven't had an accident.

So, spend that last week in your car with some new PT! which is just moving your foot from pedal to pedal whilst sitting in your driveway. Of course, if you've an automatic and it's your left hip, then you'll be okay anyway.

By week six, all being well, you should be on OTC meds anyway.
A couple of other thoughts - If you are able to use the disabled parking spaces, then take advantage! It is great at the end of a long day not to have to walk ½ a mile through the carpark :)

If there are assignments due in the first few weeks of the semester, think about asking for an extension for those pieces of work. At the 6-8 week stage after surgery I would get home, make dinner, then go to bed. No way could I have coped with any “homework”.

Also keep in mind that everyone heals and accomplishes milestones at different rates, but you will get there in the end.

Good luck, Tap! I'm betting you WILL be able to resume your school semester! But you must realize, you WILL be exhausted as you are recuperating! You should also notify your college professors that you will need extra time to do assignments, and just to get around campus! But youth is definitely on your side! Make sure you are physically as fit as you can be before your surgery! That will help you immeasurably!!
Hi Tapan - my son is your age and I have been reading all your posts with the utmost sympathy!

I am 49 and had a LTHR last October. I was driving again at 6 weeks post-op (I drove home from my 6 week check-up appt), and went back to work the next day! Admittedly, I did start back just 3 days a week because I am on my feet all day long - either standing or walking around.

As Monica has already said, you will probably be exhausted at the end of the first few days - I know I was! But I would think that by the 7 week mark you will be able to return to Uni and all that entails with no problems at all!

I am still (at 8 months post-op) amazed that the awful, grinding, constant arthritic pain has gone on my left side! And that is worth more than I can say................! :thmb:

Good luck with it all - you won't be sorry you've had the surgery - you will be getting your life back!

thanks Peta! You're definitely a source of motivation and positivism. Interesting you mentioned about your job nature as my job (as a computer technician) requires me to stand/walk around as well. How difficult was it to manage your pain while working? Did you ever reach a point where you thought that your pain is becoming intolerable and you felt the need to take the day off? I am contemplating if I should return to work, which starts 7 weeks post OP, or if I should just take it easy for a couple of months. I only work about 4 hours a day and 2 days a week, as its a part time position. What is your recommendation on this?

Thanks a lot for that kind reply to my thread. It was definitely inspiring :blush:
I think Tapan that you should keep you options open. I imagine as a student you need to work.....uni is expensive...but you don't need to make any of these decisions now. I thought id be out of action for ages, and yet at a very short length of time I could have easily have gone back to a relatively inactive job....actually my home job (5 kids) Ive been back to from almost as soon as I got home!!....but everyone is different, and why you've gotten to this point in the first place will influence how quickly you recover ....if you are not ready to go to school....then talk to the department and see if they can make exceptions for you....maybe discuss it before the surgery so you know where you stand....
Go well
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