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Recovery of flexibility and strength q's

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Jun 1, 2008
United States
I am considering hip surgery (vs. hip resurfacing) but have heard that you cannot have more than 90 degrees hip flexion without threat of hip joint displacement after the surgery. I'm concerned because I am/have been an active person, dance, swim, etc. I want to continue to do my hamstring stretches and the like but with a 90 degree limitation, that's not so great. Would someone let me know if you are able to regain flexibility, etc. after surgery and what problems have you had with hip flexion? I know that I cannot run or do anything major impacting after surgery but my quality of life regarding flexibility is something I don't want to lose.

I've read up on hip resurfacing but it seems to be less consistently successful altho athletes seem to like it alot since they are able to continue running, etc.

Any comments will be appreciated.
> have heard that you cannot have more than 90 degrees hip flexion without threat of hip joint displacement after the surgery.

This is a precaution that most patients are typically told to honor for about 3 months. My physical therapist has said to me that a fully healed hip should have approximately the same range of movement as a natural hip.
Absolutely, ano. The limitation is only for the period whilst the incision is healing and the tone returns to the muscles and ligaments. This does take about 3 months. Once that period has expired, you should be free ann clear to live a normal life.
I'm just 2 weeks out of my surgery and doing well -- just anxious to get back to normalcy. I'm wondering when I can go back to swimming and which types of kicks are better or to be cautious about - I know I'm not supposed to rotate inward (the incision is in the posterior). Also want to drive -- i'm getting major cabin fever. I feel pretty good - pain -free, and increasing my quads' strength everyday, but my doctor wants me to stay with using the walker for another 2 weeks, and then maybe drive after that. Anyone have notes about driving any sooner?? or swimming? It's great to not feel pain in the joint!
My doc let me swim at 3 weeks, what he was really waiting for was the incision to be totally healed first. I waited on more week as I wanted to be able to walk unaided to the pool edge.
I did not get any info on kicks to avoid. I have been doing the breaststroke with frog kick and my hip always lets me know if it is too much.
As far as driving, I had my right hip replaced at about 5 weeks I felt very confident that I could drive. I waited untill after I saw my doc at 6 weeks. He was very surprised that I had not driven yet.

That said, all docs are different. I only used a walker my first few days in the hospital. I had crutches from a recent hip surgery, had my husband bring them in and asked the pt if I could try. They were much easier for me. At my 2 week apt my doc said I could go to a cane when I was ready.

Do you haVe home pt? I did until I was 4 weeks post op

I'm just 2 weeks out of my surgery and doing well -- just anxious to get back to normalcy. I'm wondering when I can go back to swimming and which types of kicks are better or to be cautious about - I know I'm not supposed to rotate inward (the incision is in the posterior). Also want to drive -- i'm getting major cabin fever. I feel pretty good - pain -free, and increasing my quads' strength everyday, but my doctor wants me to stay with using the walker for another 2 weeks, and then maybe drive after that. Anyone have notes about driving any sooner?? or swimming? It's great to not feel pain in the joint!

Right hip or Left hip? I think around 3 weeks I went out and just sat in the drivers seat with my feet hanging outside the door. That took care of my driving freedom withdrawals. The next week I did take a short trip. I had my left hip replaced so all the driving effort was on the right leg.
Thank you for your replies! I had surgery on my right hip, so I guess I should have more patience waiting to drive since the right leg is the working leg for driving. My incision seems pretty well healed. I do have a home visiting PT but not super informative, but I will check in with her later this week to see where she thinks I am. I feel stronger everyday and sometimes "cheat" in terms of not really placing much weight on my walker as I transfer weight, but I'm trying to hold back. thanks again.
Hello Asyl:

I am two years post op from bilateral hip resurfacing. I am a ballet dancer, very happily dancing and teaching again. I choose resurfacing over traditional hip replacement because of the opportunity it afforded me to dance again, at a high level, with no restrictions. I understand that the level of stability with large ball total hip replacements is as good as with resurfacing components.

A very high level of physical activity is possible with both. I am aware of many athletes who have returned to their sport after resurfacing - several tri-athletes, marathon runners, surfers, martial arts enthusiasts, high level tennis players, ice hockey enthusiasts, other dancers, etc. so the idea that resurfacing is not as successful as traditional hip replacement is an interesting one in light of this information.

The 90 degrees flexion precaution for either replacement or resurface is only temporary after surgery, in order to let the new hip heal and regain strength and stability. Ultimately, I chose the resurfacing because I wanted to preserve as much of my own bone as possible and to have the end range of flexibility the resurfacing components provide. I hope this is helpful to you.

Ruth Z
Amstutz bilat C+ 4/6/06
It was my home pt that couldn't wait to get me out to my car. I finally let her on her last day with me (4 weeks) It was still a very slow process getting my leg from the gas to the break. She set up a practice exercise at home for me to do, and of course I could always go out to my car and see how it felt.
Now that I have been driving for a few weeks , I long for the slow pace of life when I was just walking everywhere.
It will be here soon for you too
I have to agree with you It is wonderful not to have pain in that joint after surgery. I can'y wait to get my other hip done so all the pain will be gone. Just take it easy you sorta know if it hurts to much slow down especially in the pool when you get to swim. Maybe just walk in the pool and that helps a lot to loosen you up. Good luck to you and speedy recovery.
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