Recovery Milestones?

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new member
Mar 2, 2009
Hi All, I've just discovered the forum and I'm so delighted that I did. It's great to know that you can get support and information from other recovering knee legends (thats us!!!)

Let me tell you where I'm at. At age 41 I had a TKR, right knee, on Feb 11 so I'm almost at 3 weeks. I suffered a serious knee injury playing football 18 yrs ago which severed my Posterior Cruciate Ligament and destabliised my lower leg - thus leading to severe arthritis.

While I'm pretty happy with my recovery to date I'm working on my own at home without physio therapy so I'm not sure how well I'm doing, or even if I am doing well!! I'm due to see the surgeon and hospital physio for an assessment at 4 weeks so I'd like to get an idea of how I'm going.

My scar healed well, no issues there. I still have swelling, particularly above the knee which is restricting movement. I'm doing lots of leg lifts and knee lifts and feel I am getting stronger, although i still have significant muscle wastage.
No problem straightening my leg, not able to lock out as much as my left leg yet but getting there. I can fully weight bear on it, although I'm not and still using crutches all the time. With effort and a little pain I can bend to 90 degrees and hold there for 10 sec, but no further then that at the moment. I'm sleeping a bit better - can go 4-5 hrs without waking!! Taking regular pain relief (Difene and Paracetemol) so no real issues there.

My main concern is the leg bend. Should I be able to bend more then 90 degrees at this stage? If so how much? and can anyone give me a rough guide as to how much more I should be able to bend as the weeks go by??

Thanks Alot....this is a great forum. I wish you all a sucessful and speedy recovery

Welcome to the site. This forum and the friends I've met were critical to my recovery.
I'm 56 and had my right TKR 14 months ago. I tore my knee up repeatedly through a lifetime of athletics. The TKR was my ninth operation.
Because I knew my Dr. personally since he was 13, he knew I still workout and would prefer to do my own rehab. My healthplan sent a therapist to my house six times during my first three weeks post op. Usually, I had already done some type of exercises.
I'm can easily hit a 130 degree bend and am at 0 extension.
If you can, you will get the greatest benefit from a stationary bike. I hate them cause the seat feels like a prolonged prostate exam but the bottom line is that they are best for pushing the bend and extension.
Do intervals starting with the seat high. X number of minutes later, lower it one setting and go at it.
Ice and elevation are very important. You are going to swell for several months. Take your pain meds or you won't want to really work the leg.
If you can, you will get the greatest benefit from a stationary bike. I hate them cause the seat feels like a prolonged prostate exam

Doug! That is so, so true (not that I've personally ever experienced such a thing!)

Yes, tg, what this man says is so. I second it completely. Other than that you seem completely on target. Well done!
ha ha now now i love cycling and miss it sooo much, tim wlecome whereabouts in eire, I have a few friends from co clare. Tim it is frustrating you are nearly as young as me, the bending will improve slowly it just takes it own time, don't push it too much!!
Hi Tim
I am a hippy so can't help much. But I can welcome you and wish you the best and continued healing
Tim, welcome!!! Congratulations on your surgery and it sounds like you are well on your way to recovery. When you see your doc, see if he can approve some therapy for you. A trained therapist can give you many different things to do (some there, some at home) to help increase your range of motion (ROM) and rebuild your leg muscles. The atrophy so quickly!! Did your doctor tell you to stay on crutches? If your leg is stable and getting stronger, you might try walking with one crutch and/or a cane when you feel comfortable with it. My doc said there was really almost nothing I could do to hurt the new joint itself - it was stronger than my real knee joint. What hurt was the muscles (and some surgery bone pain). All that disappears in time. Best of luck to you and post when you can!! We love to celebrate your successes!!!
Tim,,,,Ditto from me as well! Every day s a(nother)milestone!!!!! :)
Sounds as if you are doing well Tim. I didn't get staright or a 90 bend for almost 3 months. Keep up the good work, but keep up the pain meds too. Plenty of rest, ice and elevation too. Sue
Hey Everybody,

Thanks for the positive posts.....makes me feel much better. On your advice I bought a secondhand exercise bike this morning on brother in law is collecting it for me tomorrow so i'll let you know how i get on.

Way to go! Hope you soon cycle enough to go round the coast of Ireland!
Hi Tim,

I had TRKR on Feb 12 so we are pretty close together. My Physio said he wanted me to get to 90 by 4 weeks. So according to him you seem to be on track. He does stress the repeated bending of the knee. They have me on the CPM 4 hours a day. Which by the time I do that and the other things he has me doing everyday, I stay pretty busy . But it does sound like you are well on your way. Keep up the good work.
Hey Everybody,

Thanks for the positive posts.....makes me feel much better. On your advice I bought a secondhand exercise bike this morning on brother in law is collecting it for me tomorrow so i'll let you know how i get on.


Hi Tim...congrats on your great recovery and congrats on your new bike! I don't think I would have survived or recovered from either one of my TKRs without an exercise bike and the goal of getting back outside on my real bike.

It sounds like you're doing very well on the ROM and everything else--how wonderful! We're all over the map on the time it takes to regain ROM.

Hi Tim,
I had my TKR left knee on Feb 9 so we are close to the same post-op age. I am 54 and had an ACL gone bad after 20 years.
I think I have better ROM than you. I go to the PT in town 2 times a week plus doing my own. I'm planning on finding a used stationary bike too as the PT said that was the best. I regret giving up my membership to a health club. We were'nt going much then. But now my husband goes almost every day and I'm going to try to get my membership back.
Good Going,Rung! Keep up the good work!, :)
Ok I am at 3 weeks and got 112 degrees which the PT said was great. I can't imagine doing all the PT on your own. I need someone to crack the whip. Otherwise I'd just lay here and moan in pain. I did feel better yesterday after the PT and doubled pain meds.
Way to go, Rungout!!! You ARE doing very well. Bring on the whip!!!
Hi Again
Just a quick update, and a big thanks to all who posted on this thread.
5 weeks post TKR today and things going very well. Walking without crutches or cane, driving again (althought 30 mins is about as much as i can do at the moment). ROM Aproaching 120 degrees. The exercise bike is fantastic....I would have been lost without it. Doing 2 X 30 mins sessions a day on it and lowering the saddle height about every 4 -5 days. Really feel much stronger so back to work on the 23rd.....Thank God!
I agree with the posters who sing the praises of the bike - get your hands on one wont regret it
Talk Soon

Such great news,,,,keep up the great
Recup!!! :)
Good grief Tim, going back to work at only 6 weeks? Make sure you keep it elevated and iced in your breaks or if you have a desk job keep it elevated.

Good luck on 23rd. Take care of yourself, Sue

PS Hope you had a good St. Paddy's Day yesterday!!
Welcome to the forum, tghassett. We are thrilled to have you posting and even MORE thrilled to know that you have been helped by the information here. Your recovery story sounds fantastic. I'm also a real fan of the exercise bike. It worked wonders for me too. Hope things continue to go so well for you.
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