THR Recovery after sudden pain at 5 weeks post-op

Has anyone else had this and done something about it? Or just let it be…
I can relate -- I had one with my THR. It was at the very bottom of the incision, so I was very aware of it. And it made me crazy! However, the surgeon said to leave it alone and let it resolve on its own -- which it did eventually.

Do let us know what your surgeon says when you see him.
Hi Benne
Not sure if this is the right place to ask as this is an older thread, apologies if not!
Basically, I have a spitting stitch at the base of my incision - a white piece is appearing from a reddened area which was a bit swollen and sore a week ago but isn't now. A week ago I saw a doctor at the hospital where my op was done and he said it was a spitting stitch from an internal knot and gave me antibiotics (which I finished today) though he said no infection so just prophylactic. He said to keep it covered and it should resolve 'in a week or so'. There is now a little yellow pus emerging round this white clump (about the size of a grain of rice) emerging from a small but very clear hole which shows no signs of healing over. No swelling, heat or tenderness and less red and I am keeping covered. My real issue is - how long did yours take to resolve? It's really worrying me as I'm a very keen swimmer (3 times weekly before my op) and know I can't go back in the pool till the incision is fully healed. I know we have to have patience but I'm so distressed at the thought that I may not be able to swim again for months.
Should I ask anyone to try and remove? Surely it won't heal while the stitch/knot is there?
Sorry to bother you with this as I know it wouldn't be an issue for many people but it does matter very much to me.
Should I ask anyone to try and remove?
I had this, twice. The first one was removed easily by the surrgeon with sterile tweeezers, and the second one the surgeon had to really dig. One end of the stitch was anchored deeper in some strong tissue and it would not have come out naturally for a long time, he said.

Given that you see some pus, I would at least call the surgeon's office. Infection is a really serious problem, as I know all too well. Due to a medical error an infection in my knee went undiagnosed for two years so that it was very difficult to kill once discovered. We now seem to have killed it but when all is said and done it will have taken three additional surgeries and four courses of antibiotics (one surgery and one course of abx coming up in January, at a minimum). If it was me I would go see the surgeon and get it taken out, but I'm pretty paranoid at this point, given my experience.
Thanks WFD, great to have feedback on this. I did suspect it might take a good while to come out naturally. After all, the registrar on my surgeon's team (I won't get to see my surgeon till January) said it was from a 'knot' at the end of the incision. That said, he was sure it wasn't infected a week ago and I've been on antibiotics since (the course finished today)as a prophylactic only. In fact it doesn't look or feel at all infected and is much better than it was - having Googled it, it seems that what appears to be pus may often be just the stitch itself breaking up. There's actually very little of the 'pus' and it doesn't smell bad so I think so far so good. Also I'm keeping it covered. But I do take note of your warning and I can understand why - and of course while it's still there the incision won't heal up and the risk of infection remains. Not what I want to be stuck with for months!
The hospital where I had the op done is two and a half hours away from us but if there's no obvious improvement in another few days I'll call them again. I could also see the practise nurse at my local GP surgery, she may be able to remove it if it's not 'stuck'.
Definitely feeling more positive after physio. She kindly pointed out that she personally doesn't count the first 4 weeks as that's all about tissue& bone healing. So she is now on my nice list!
I thought I did listen to my body but maybe my mind doesn't fully accept these hopefully temporary limitations.
I have some new excercises to work on and even then not to excess. Just knee strengthing and some weight bearing.on my new hip.
I've been given the one legged 'bridge'. Ive seen this on bonesmart as not recommended. What I'm wondering , does apply at 7/8 weeks
Obviously she wants me to have the best outcome as it isn't quite as straight forward due to knee & ankle valgus.
had this, twice. The first one was removed easily by the surrgeon with sterile tweeezers, and the second one the surgeon had to really dig. One end of the stitch was anchored deeper in some strong tissue and it would not have come out naturally for a long time, he said.
Sorry you've had such a bad time with infection WFD, hope it resolves well in the end.
Looks to me now with my incision as if a little knot's emerging through a definite little hole so am trying to make an appointment with the practise nurse at my local GP surgery for today or tomorrow. Will see if she can remove it safely. Thank you for giving me the prompt to do something about it!
Good Luck! I hope it's quick and easy.
Let us know how it goes, if you don't mind sharing.
Happy Thursday!
Yes!! Success! It was really quick and easy in the end - tweezered out by the practise nurse at GP surgery this mornng. A complete little knot! She reckons the little hole will heal over in a couple of days and I'm 'good to go'. Felt so pleased I had a practise drive in our yard which went fine. Only problem is reaching the adjustment bar under the seat to move forward and back (I have to have it further forward than my hubby). Can just about squeeze in and out with it set for me.


  • [] Recovery after sudden pain at 5 weeks post-op
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Yes!! Success! It was really quick and easy in the end - tweezered out by the practise nurse at GP surgery this mornng. A complete little knot! She reckons the little hole will heal over in a couple of days and I'm 'good to go'. Felt so pleased I had a practise drive in our yard which went fine. Only problem is reaching the adjustment bar under the seat to move forward and back (I have to have it further forward than my hubby). Can just about squeeze in and out with it set for me.
Great news. Often the things we fret about are easily solved. As for the car, ask your other half to leave it set for you He probably didn't even think about it. Just an idea. Once you are out and about driving again it feels like a huge step back into normality.
Hi @flamingoprint

I want to say a big thank you to you for sharing your stabbing pain in your upper hip at the 5 week mark. I am 5 weeks post op tomorrow and this is happening to me! I looked up "pain at 5 weeks" and your post came up. I really also appreciate that you researched it on the forum and discovered that others have experienced it too.

I did the exercises prescribed to me which consisted of very light squats but blimey I will cease exercising because it's just bringing me pain and nothing more.

I walk quite a bit and am active around the house so I think that's enough.

Morgan :egypdance:
Yes Morgan cut out the squats at this early stage of the game. Ice & rest when you hurt & do your walking & stuff around the house. Your hip will love you for it.
did the exercises prescribed to me which consisted of very light squats but blimey I will cease exercising because it's just bringing me pain and nothing more.
Keep in mind the BIG TIP from the Recovery Guidelines, ladies -
It is not necessary to exercise your injured hip to promote healing. The controlled trauma sustained through THR will heal on its own. Often though, we're impatient and want to move the process along. In doing so we run the risk of struggling with pain and setbacks stalling the healing process. The best therapy for recovery is walking, but not to excess. Start slowly increasing time and distance incrementally in an effort not to overdo it. Give yourself the TLC you deserve and reap the benefits of a successful recovery.
I want to say a big thank you to you for sharing your stabbing pain in your upper hip at the 5 week mark. I am 5 weeks post op tomorrow and this is happening to me! I looked up "pain at 5 weeks" and your post came up. I really also appreciate that you researched it on the forum and discovered that others have experienced it too.
Hi Morgan
So glad this has helped you! I was really worried when this happened to me and in fact that's how I found this forum - which has been a huge help and support since. I had a great hospital and a great surgeon (and a good experience for the 24 hours I was in hospital) but was pretty well left to figure the rest out for myself after that!
Just to reassure you, the pain and difficulty walking (at the 5 week mark) was gone after 10 days or so - I'm now around 8 weeks post op and doing fine. Walking close to normally (no stick), can be a bit uncomfortable at night sometimes but nothing much. If I'm on my feet all day I get tired and need to rest but that's about it. All in all feeling much more 'normal' (though still wondering when it's OK to bend down, get in the bath etc!).
I haven't really been doing much in the way of specific 'exercises' since my 5 week 'setback' as I can feel the increase in general activities and activity level is having much the same effect but more safely and naturally.
Happy Two Month Anniversary!
Happy Holidays too! Thanks for sharing your THR journey with all!
Thank you Layla! And everyone. You've kept me sane :) :-) (:
Yesterday I went swimming again (in our little local pool) for the first time since the op (I was swimming three times a week before). Bliss :) :-) (:Was stiff as a board yesterday evening but feeling great today.
Getting back in the pool is a major milestone, @flamingoprint! Glad you are feeling good today after taking the plunge! :heehee:

Would you like a different title for your recovery thread since you are doing so well? Just let us know what you'd like and we'll change it for you.
Thanks Benne
What about 'Recovery after sudden pain at 5 weeks' or 'Beginning to rejoin the human race after 8 weeks' or??
Had a good day yesterday too - Christmas shopping in town..suddenly realised I was walking normally, and quickly. Did get very tired by the end of the day though. Luckily no other after effects. Still doing no exercises, I reckon just trying to get on the moving walkway of normal life for a few hours is enough!
Thanks both
Should have also asked if you can correct my info - must have had a senior moment when I first joined!
Should be:
R Hip resurfacing December 2007
L Hip THR October 16 2024
Thanks again!

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