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TKR Recovering alone from TKR: how can I do it?


junior member
Feb 5, 2016
United States United States
What can I look forward to on week 2 post op? What’s usual? Thanks, Paparanian
you should expect to spend the first 2 to 3 weeks focusing on rest and recovery. Most of your time you will be icing and elevating. Although you should get up every hour or two to take a short walk around inside the house to prevent blood clots and to keep things moving.

Here is our suggested activity progression for the first few months following this surgery:

Let us know what other questions you have, @Paparanian .
Thank you for reply. I will be at a rehab facility for the first week after a couple days in hospital, then home alone after that. I’ve read others posts about what they did at home. Am I assuming correctly that I’ll be able to manage by myself week 2 and forward?
I know I’ll need a ride to post op Dr appointment after I get home, and can get friend to help w/that.
Yes, you will be able to manage on your own. We have many members who have been in your situation and I’m sure will stop by to share their experiences. I will change your title to reflect your question.

The key is to take things slowly and to listen to your body.
You might find some tips in this thread, too:

My spouse us too busy to help me and I have managed. My room is next to the kitchen and bathroom so I don't have far to go. Food prep is the hardest part but I made a bunch up ahead of time and really the time you spend prepping it you want to be doing something anyways. Early on you won't want to do much but you really need to move around. Good luck. A month will go by quick and then it's downhill.
In addition to prepared meals, you might want to develop a Meds Time system/log; round up a shower chair + toilet riser + Walker/cane + leg elevation pillow; de- clutter your foot traffic routes; gather some PT aids for your home program. Our town has a medical equipment lending library, which helps. Glad you've connected with some online support.
Something that isn't on the list, if I'm remembering correctly, are medication refills. Prior to your surgery you can talk with your pharmacy and see if they have a free home delivery. If they don't see if you can add a friends name to be able to pick up your prescriptions. For us this was a life saver. The pharmacy has a cc on file so my friends just had to say who they were and they could pick up my medication. And anything else I needed.
I selected super fun items to do while convalescing/ healing: great library books, a selection of streaming TV shows and movies; sharing thoughts on those with friends, family; prepared meals; grocery list for others to grab for me; pre-placed shampoo, toiletries; someone to bring in the mail; prepay bills.
Best Wishes tomorrow!
Please join us on the Knee Recovery Forum once you're resting comfortably at home.
We will share our Recovery Guidelines with you and support you while you're healing.
Hope to see you soon! :wave:
My surgeon had a family emergency. Now I’m scheduled for Jan 31. Thank you.
I’m at a bit of loose ends now. Everything was ready last TH. I guess I can have some relax time
Oh goodness, what a let down! I'm so sorry.
We will change the date on the January Team Thread and edit your signature.
I hope you're able to relax in comfort until next Friday.
I can only imagine how disappointed you must feel, @Paparanian. We're here for you if you want to vent!
Thank you, I didn’t go back to work so not walking a lot. My knee has been happier with the rest . Not good life quality tho you know. See you on the other side!
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