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Really Bad Pain

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Apr 25, 2008
Southern California
United States United States
Tomorrow will be 7 weeks post op right hip.

I just walked down my stairs, I have had about a 7 pain level going up and down stairs recently. Well, by the last step the pain was horrible, probably a 9. It is on the side of my leg , below the incision. While I was sitting, before the stairs, that area was pretty tingly (nerve sensation). The pain went down to my knee (still on the side) then I think over to the left side of my calf. The worst being just below the surgery site.

My doc had mentioned possible nerve entrapment, although I had not experienced anything this severe when I saw him.

I had also taken 2 percocet about an hour and a half previously, they had no effect on this pain.

I thought it had been my overdoing it that started this new pain a few weeks ago, so the last 2 days I have done no walking or swimming.

I'd go back and see him again, Judy, although to be honest, it sounds like a sciatic pain to me.

May be because of the way you are sitting.

Nerve entrapment - could be. If the area is swollen, that could be applying pressure. Perhaps a visit to the PT or a chiropractor would help. Ask you doc.
Thanks Jo
It really only hurts like burning pain going up and down stairs. I do have my first outpatient pt apt today.
I walked to the pool and swam this am , my quad seemed sore, but that was all.
Wow Judy your really having your go of it! If I had stairs and took 2 Percocet I know I would fall down the stairs no problem. Maybe your just trying to hard and covering up the pain isn't such a good idea when your trying to do so much?
It is hard for me because like you know I didn't have pain except in Therapy in rehab and that was after we got some life into my legs again. But I know I was very lucky with this.
I hope your ok because I hate to see you suffering with all this. I tried to swim the other day and it really was uncomfortable no it hurt my incision area so I stopped. I am going to work up to it with a kickboard little kicks to ajust for a week then try the big swim again. Feel better and let us know what Doc said.
Thanks Sunshine
I had my first outpatient pt yesterday, so I did not call the DR. I figured if it got that severe again I would definately call, but for now, I'll see what the pt can do. Yesterday at my eval. he said could be swelling involving the quad and IT Band, causing pain in the nerves. Today I start pt and he is going to do some soft tissue work.
The problem with pt is my spine surgeon is also sending me, so there is a lot to work on. Neck and thoracic spine too.

I still have the burning pain going up or down stairs, or outside if I am going up hill.
As far as the percocet,my spine doc has prescribed them as well, so I need to take them to settle down the pain. I still feel it in my neck when I am in the pool and upper back in more and more situations.

I have to go to a funeral in 45 minutes and have not even taken a shower yet. It is for my sweet neighbor. The limo just left her house, so I am off
I went and saw my doc today. He is not worried about my pain complaint. He said my muscles have been dormant for a while , I have been on crutches twice since Feb. Before surgery he showed me how different my leg sizes were (circumference) as I had been relying on my good leg.
He said there is still swelling in there too. He prescribed celebrex, told me to have the pt work on it .
My second issue was my knee giving out on me in pt . Also now causing pain when walking in town. It doesn't bother me much on level ground, but my town is pretty much up and down.
He did not want to give me an injection. He said my knee was stable. He gave me a lovely black knee sleeve to wear.
I just have to be patient until my muscles decide they are ready , then strengthen them.

I need lots of patience. At almost 8 weeks , I didn't think I would still need as much patience

Hang in there Judy. Remember that every ones muscle structure is different. Breeding dogs has taught me that it is very genetic. Some people/dogs work very little and carry a descent amount muscle easily and others have to work relatively hard to maintain any kind of tone.

You'll get there!

Thanks Gary and Donna

This morning I am off to the endocrinologist, I will whine to her and have her check things that cause muscle weakness. I have a few of those issues although all is supposedly under control.

aawww, bless! You'll get there in the end, Judy. These are the down bits, that's all.
Thanks Jo,

The problem I am having in pt is all the exercises to work on quad strength sure hurt my knee!!!
I rode the stationary bike for 10 minutes, every minute or so I would realize my unaffected leg was doing most of the work. I would concentrate on my operated leg to peddle. That sure shows how weak it is!!!
I think this is going to be a very slow process.

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