I am sooo happy I found this forum! The information has been so helpful.
I am 49 years old and have degenerative arthritis. I am scheduled for a total knee replacement of my right knee July 3rd 2008. This year I will celebrate my independence from pain! I am nervous, but excited. I need both knees replaced, but my orthopedic surgeon recommended that I not have them both done at the same time. I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was in my thirties. My father suffered from the same. I tried for years to get him to get his knee replaced but he would not. Now here I am sitting in the same boat.
The last 5 or so years, I would have my good days and my bad days, but
for the last 8 months it has been all bad days. The pain has become unbearable. I had arthroscopic knee surgery in November 07 and January 08 due to torn meniscus. I think those surgeries kicked my arthritis into high gear.
I have been doing the pre-surgery exercises to get a jump start on the Post op PT. I am just getting over surgery for a heel spur on my right foot on April 4th 08!!! I want my life back! Even walking outside to get my mail is too painful. I work at the hospital where my surgery is to be, but I sit at a computer all day, and getting up and moving around is soooo painful. I have two precious grandsons who are 9 and 4 that I want to be able to play with again. Right now all I do is come home from work and go straight to bed.
My husband has been such a blessing! He takes such good care of me. He is so excited about me getting my new knees! He really helps me to keep my spirits up. When our grandsons asked me what I wished for my birthday wish this year (it was in March) I told them I wished for a new pair of knees!
I have a question, since I sit at a computer all day, (I can get up and move around when needed and am lucky enough to be able to leave if I get tired,
what are your thoughts on returning to work 3 -4 weeks post op?
I know each person heals at different paces, and when I asked my surgeon about it, he said depending on my recovery and therapy he did not see why I could not return to work. I am really looking forward to not having this pain anymore. I know I have a long and difficult road to travel, but I want my life back too much to not give 100% to my rehab.
I am so thankful for these wonderful forums. Reading about everyones victories and their struggles helps enlighten me to what I am about to face.