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Metal Allergy Rash/ Bruise at End of Incision After THR


new member
Jan 13, 2025
United States United States

After reading some of the other posts I feel as if I need to share my story hoping that there may be a answer for me out there somewhere.

In March I underwent a Mako RoboticTotal Hip Replacement of the right hip, frontal bikini Incision.

Recovery went well. I took PT better than normal and worked up to 4 days a week walking up to 2 miles per walk.

In mid May I ended up getting a high fever, 103, and ended up I'm the ER trying to get the tempature down.

At the end of the Incision at the end of May I began to see some irritation. I had alerted my surgeon and was told to keep an eye on it.

In mid October a rash started that was small at first then grew to over 8 inches in size almost overnight. (Some days it's warm to the touch and somewhat itchy, other days it is slightly red.) I got back in to see the surgeon and was put on antibiotics for 15 days. He wasn't sure what it could be but wanted to see if the rash would respond to the antibiotics.

By Thanksgiving the rash grew bigger, now wrapping nearly around the side of the thigh. I went back to see the surgeon and blood was drawn. Some elevation in the white blood cells but nothing more yet the rash/ bruise began to get red some days other days it would get lighter but not go away.

By first week of December I made a decision to go into the ER. A total blood count was done, a CT scan was done, and Ultrasound. What was revealed was not surprising. Just above at the end of the Incision where the bruise/ rash is is a large hematoma/ seroma. At the top of the Incision was a fluid base seroma that was suspicious.

I took this information and went back to the ER. I was admitted for 4 days, and given antibiotics. They did asberate the fluid area seroma and got infectious disease involved. They incubated the blood to see if it would grow anything as an infection, nothing grew.

As of today the results of my follow up appointment with my primary care physician is is that I am being referred to get a second opinion from another surgeon to see if this is a allergy to the titanium. If it is a revision is going to need to happen. My range of motion is back to being limited. The redness in the rash/ bruise is back, same size as it was when I was admitted to the hospital over Christmas.

This has been extremely frustrating for me.

Has anyone out there heard of this? Is this an allergic reaction to the metal implant?
Hi there

I am so sorry that you are going through this and hope you have a solution at hand soon so that you can get on with your recovery.

I had an anterior bikini hip replacement in Nov 2024 and my implant is ceramic on polyethelene.

Good luck and please keep us posted.

My 82 year old mother had a revision last year due to an issue with her original implant and I must say that as frustrating as it was, she is doing great now.
Wow, that's a lot.
Sure hope you don't need more surgery.
I have no experience with this but possibly some one on this forum can give you some insight.
Welcome to BoneSmart, @Kris85202. I'm so sorry to read what you've been through since your surgery. Of course, you are frustrated.

We do have a number of members who have dealt with metal allergies and I'm sure some will stop by to share their experiences In the meantime, you might find some insights in the threads in this link:

Also, please give us the exact date of your March surgery so we can complete your signature. It helps staff and members provide relevant information when we have that in all your posts.
I have a nickel allergy and when I learned I would be having a hip replacement with titanium I followed up with my surgeon to see if the titanium implant was an alloy containing any nickel. He called the company and they did say that the implant contained trace amounts of nickel, but it was in a form that did not produce allergies. My surgeon did further research and felt confident in using the implant. I imagine different implants might have varying compositions. They can definitely do allergy tests to determine if you are allergic to any of the metals in your transplant. Metal allergies are real, and can be very difficult to clear. I hope you find some answers soon!
My surgeon just did blood work and tested in other ways and moved forward with the implant used for the Mako Robotic Surgery. I was told titanium but I'm pretty sure it did have other compounds in it. With the symptoms I am having, my primary care doc sent me to go through another surgeon in an appointment coming up in February to find out (if based on what they see) a revision. New symptoms now include metallic taste in my mouth. :/
I am sorry you have to go through this, Kris.
Please keep us posted and know that we're here for you always. :console2:
Hi Kris,
Sorry for your situation. I had a mako robotic LH replacement in Sept 2020.
In March 2024 I returned from a golf trip and commenced with groin pain & a few instances of terrible painful spasms which lasted hours, all in the operated leg. An X-ray showed no issues with my hip. My physio (puzzled) felt it was possibly psoas going into spasm.
The groin pain continued , weight bearing could be impossible , I was using a crutch to get around my house, then it would abate, then return.
I saw a neuro surgeon, 3 MRI,s, 1 CT, 1 nerve conduction study, 1 nerve blocker injection. Neuro identified slight nerve irritation due to scoliosis, but could not understand my extreme pain. Prescribed gabapentin which improved things a great deal & basically said maybe I had to accept that this is how my life would be, accept only being able to play 9 holes of golf, take the drugs & have a cane as backup.
I asked for MRI of hips as a “rule out”. Guess what…….

MRI reported suggested metal reaction in operated leg.
Blood tests showed cobalt & chromium in my blood was higher than usual, not in the dangerous range, but should not be there. I’m waiting on titanium result.
Area of cysts, fluids & inflammation.
Long story short, 10 days ago I had a revision. The original implant had corrosion on it. This indicates how the metal got into my blood.
So, I feel lucky to have a fantastic surgeon (who has never seen a MRI like mine), my recovery seems to be going well, & I dearly hope this is the start of getting back to my normal active life.
So I don’t think I have a metal allergy as such, but if tiny amounts of metal somehow get shredded into your body, it not good.
What would I advise.
Don’t rely on X-ray alone, MRI had the clues, also the nerve conduction study suggested all was not right in the Pelvic area.
Best of luck in finding a solution.
I feel your pain and your frustration. Crazy this happened to you 4 years after the fact. I read that can happen with titanium. It really is making me uneasy more and more knowing this could be an allergy to whatever metals is in the replacement that was placed into my body. Frustrated and disappointed.

The CT scan revealed quite a bit for me on my end. No MRI yet, but I am betting they may do one in the surgical area. Hoping the new surgeon, who I get to see in February, will do the blood test to test for metals in my blood and tell me what needs to happen next.
UPDATE: Just completed my skin patch allergy test from a local allergist for 8 types of prosteic metals commonly used. You guessed it, I am allergic. One stood out that caused blotched type 2 reaction to nickel sulfate hexahydrate, 5%. What's crazy is the same blotching happened at where my rash is.
Thanks for updating, Kris. Sorry for the uncertainty that goes along with the process. It has to be difficult.
I hope you get the answers you need for comfort and peace of mind from the new surgeon you're consulting with.
Best Wishes!
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