Range of Motion (ROM) 2years Post-Surgery

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Aug 16, 2009
United States
I had (left) total knee replacement on April 10, 2008. I go to PT three days a week and do supported knee bends and use the "extensionator" and "flexionator"broken link removed: https://www.getmotion.com/pc_knee.htm#pr_anch to increase my range of motion.

My progress has been very slow and I am somewhat discouraged about the degree to which I can bend my knee. I am somewhere between 95-105 degrees ROM. Does anyone have a suggestion or alternate idea for an additional therapy that I might try ?
Hello, and welcome to BoneSmart. That's sad, to have such a poor ROM after 18 months. Is your surgeon aware of this?

I'm not a great proponent of those passive devices as they don't actually strengthen the muscles and often it's the muscles' poor condition that contributes to lack of flexion. In any case, there is no real reason for you to be using it this late on.

I suggest you stop using it and start doing some serious gym work. Use an upright exercise bike, you can't beat that for flexion. Also resistance machines for flexion and extension, similar to this extension machine.

Hi, twoplusyears. Welcome to BoneSmart! So glad you decided to join our forum.

At a year and 4 months out from your knee replacement, does this ROM inhibit what you want to do or is it a specific number you are going for? Many times people do zero in on the numbers and the important thing really is quality of life. Are there things you want to do but can't? Is your knee swelling (feels tight) or just doesn't move beyond the 95-105 bend?

If there are things you are prohibited from doing, I suggest you meet with your surgeon again. It's not the norm to do a manipulation at this stage, but I have heard it suggested before. And sometimes there are surgical options to remove scar tissue, if that's what's going on inside your knee.

I also would talk with the therapist. You need to know what their goals are and what they believe you have to gain from additional therapy. Are you active when not in therapy?

In short, there are many reasons why you might not be able to improve on your ROM. You need to get to the bottom of that before you continue on a path of more therapy.
You could try massage. I found a massage therapist who does something called the Active Release Technique. The point of it is to break up scar tissue. It's quite painful. However, I've seen the benefits from it. I'm no longer in physical therapy. My ROM is about 115. I can do all that I need to do with that, but I'm doing the massage to ensure that the scar tissue doesn't make my ROM worse and, hopefully, to increase my ROM. It's worth a try if you can find a practitioner who does it.
Welcome, Im sorry you are still having problems I agree with the gym but I did and do alot of luges, that was for sure my exercise.Honestly I gain everytime.Good Luck to you I hope you can get this straight soon, but I would def, speak to my OS....Please let us know how you are doing....:)
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