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Range of motion @ 115*

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Nov 14, 2007
United States
Would you guys and gals mind sharing your ROM? Im at 115* and the Dr. and PT. said thats where I will be. My good knee is 130* Im happy with that and the pain and discomfort is gone in the TKR knee. Can I get some numbers here from you'all ?? :)
I am around 112-115 as well. I'd like to have more ROM but at 9 weeks PO, this may be it. Don't know. My other leg is around 130. I was hoping for 120 but I don't want to go through hell to get it. My doctor and PT are both happy with this ROM, I'm not though.

Others have input?? Have you increased your ROM at this late in the game without medical intervention??

This Thursday will be week 8 for me. I'm only getting 95 or so on my own, I guess thats what we're talking about here. The PT is bending it to about 112, but I can't get that.
Is there some magic number that is the expectation we need to reach?? I haven't found one. The different knee hardware sites give ranges... but nothing clearly stating what is considered the goal.
I have a Zimmer Gender Knee and I just read that it is designed to provide up to 155 degrees of movement!! Holy cow! Just imagine what that would entail. I'll be happy I think with 120. Just curious if I can even expect to improve at this point. At what point are we in a position to either live with it or have it manipulated under a general??
Last time it was checked it was at 115. I can go further when I'm in the hot tub.. My knee is still swollen so I assume that as it goes down I can push it a little bit more. I'm not really interested in getting any 130degree bend. I don't really see a need in my life to coil up so much. Like someone mentioned last week, I surprised myself and crossed my legs last night. Couldn't hold it long but it was an improvement.
I also broke down and got a prescription for another 50 pain pills today. The heck with it. I'm retired and have a good t.v. remote.
I am with you. I'm about to call in my refill for another 90. I see no reason to be in pain when i don't have to be. I'm decreasing my need for meds and now can use only 2 a day sometimes. i also have a call into my PCP for an increased dosage of anti-depressants.

Thanks for helping me feel better about the 112-115 level. I have no frame of reference for what is expected!

Skeet, my good knee goes 130, so perfection for me would be to match that, but I don't really see it happening. If I can get 120 I'll be tickled; the minimum for me would be 115 on my own. That will put me back on my Harley comfortably, I'm good with that.
I am at around 115. I can go up stairs alternating feet, but coming down is really hard. i want to be able to do basics like that without pain. i practice on our front porch. The neighbors are far enough away that I don't think they can see me going up and down and wondering if I'm crazy or something. it seems to help.

Thanks for the thoughts on where you are. I can get to 120 assisted by my other leg, but I need to do it on my own. I'm going to work it more in the hot tub.

Thanks for your support guys!
As of today at 12 weeks post op of bilateral TKR, my left knee is stuck at 107° and I was able to force the right to 122°.
I have one more chance on Wednesday at PT then I see the Doc on Thursday. When I started PT 3 weeks ago, my left was 89° and my right at 100°. So there has been a significant improvement. I would much rather Doc order more PT than the dreaded "manipulation"
sending some big "bendy" vibes your way, Blondie!! LOOK how FAR you've come....girl, you can do it!!!
hi...i had my last home p.t. session today and she measured me at 116. i did the machine at home for 3 weeks and i really think that helped...the therapist told me i wouldn't reach 120 or better w/out using the bikes and stairmaster when i start as an out patient..if i don't reach it i'm ok w/it as long as the swelling and tight band feeling go away which she also said usually takes 6mo. to a long as there are pain meds , like you guys said above, we'll get through it....6 mos. seem forever from now but it's already bbeen 5 weeks.time flys.
skeet, how long did it take you to master th stairs? i can do them going up if i hold the banister but it's more like pulling myself....forget going down them..i'm afraid i'll break the other wrist and ankle too! any advise?
I pushed it a bit in the hot tub tonight and see some improvement in ROM. I'll keep working at it. I just need to be able to go down stairs better. Aside from that, I think I'm good to go.
Thanks guys and gals, Im starting to see that 115* is not too bad. Today, I was in a small car (Saturn)on the passenger side...When I got out I had to bend and lift the gimpy leg to put it on the ground. No pain, the leg just didnt bend like it used to. My mind was telling it to move, but the tin knee said thats as far as Im bending . My friend, the driver jokingly pushed my back for assistance. I was just for a second scared, but I guess its ok because there was no pain. Today, I cut some trees down in the yard and backfilled a hole where my pool used to be with a backhoe. I also darined and refilled my hot tub. Its too cold to go in tonight as it has not had the chance to reheat to my 102* temp that I like. Im reading that some of you are using the hot tub also. Thats great! I hope you all are feeling well. Thanks so much for sharing. I just took my prescribed sleeping pill and Im starting to get woozie...............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Is there some magic number that is the expectation we need to reach?? I haven't found one. The different knee hardware sites give ranges... but nothing clearly stating what is considered the goal.

SKEET, I have a Zimmer Tribecular Mono Block (what ever all that means) My Dr. said It is designed for a 130* ROM. And has the potential to last 30 years because of the design. That will mean I will be 80 when it wears out, LOL. He wanted to see me at 120* but I think he is tired of all my complaining, whining, threats of violence and crying in his office, so he released me at 115* Im starting to see that 113-118 unassisted by the PT is an average. Thats not to say it cant be higher. Hey.. as long as there is no pain, Im happy with that.
Josephine, you are the expert to comment here but, I expect that all of us will see slight increases in ROM for a year or more post-op. After we move on past PT and return to our 'normal' activities our knees will no longer be the only thing we think about, won't that be wonderful, and as we do stuff we will put extra stress on our knees that will push them past the point of being 'comfortable' and we will get a few more degrees here and there. I do think that we need to be trying to get all we can while in therapy, whatever that is, but I don't think progress will completely stop when therapy does. What say ye?
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