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Quiting smoking

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new yorker

junior member
Oct 5, 2009
New York
Hello to all again, I hear alot of stories about quiting smoking and a better recovery. I want to quit anyway but what does it have to do with me going in for THR. Als if you quit before surgery, how soon before did you?

Thanks all, :pzld:
The day i had my last hip surgery, my awesome doctor( i am a smoker) told me he would give me something, to help me wanting to smoke. I woke up after my surgery and i had the patch on my arm. I didnt smoke for the remainder of the time i was in the hospital. I thinnk it was a day or too after i had gotten home that i had a cigarette. I personally think that the pain meds made me wanna smoke, not sure.
But i was told numerous times that the healing process is longer if you do smoke. And trying to stop when your stressed out about surgery is next to impossible.
Ysa know i smoked and when i went in for surgery and was in the hosp those days then came home i just didnt pick it up again just try it i think i was jst out of it and didnt think about it and since it had been several days i just let it go.....good luck you can only try.......)
Smoking and anaesthetics do not go well together! It gives you a reduced lung function and being anaesthetised also reduces lung function. After the op, you need to be able to breathe deeply and cough effectively. I've nursed a lot of heavy smokers and believe me, the first few hours of their recovery aren't fun!
New Yorker, it's best if you quit ASAP. The sooner, the better. After surgery you will have enough pain from your incision site, you don't want to be coughing and jonesing butts too. (I guit 11 years ago, it wasn't easy, but it had to be done)
Where in NY are you?
New Yorker, it's best if you quit ASAP. The sooner, the better. After surgery you will have enough pain from your incision site, you don't want to be coughing and jonesing butts too. (I guit 11 years ago, it wasn't easy, but it had to be done)
Where in NY are you?

Surgery might be in early dec. Trying to quit now. I am in Suffolk county, Long Island
I'm in Nassau. Where are you having your surgery done?
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