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junior member
Jan 12, 2009
United States United States
I am now a little over a month out from my surgery and all is going very well. I'm able to walk without help, cane, walker........but, my knees are still stiff. My question to all who have this surgery my age or younger or older, I'm 59, what should I expect from now until a year after the surgery arrives.

I have done remarkable, terrific and should be the poster child for having both knees done at once-----quote from my surgeon, not me. I would so appreciate what to expect, what to do etc. Any advice would greatly help me balance my thoughts and not worry.
Thank you.
Congratulations on having the surgery behind you. I am currently 59, had BTKR last June and have returned to an active life style. By the time you are 4 months out, you will feel a lot better, move a lot better and even "forget" at times you have new knees.
Check out my past posts regarding what I have been able to do during my recovery and 1 year post surgery.
Hi Jayne I am glad you are doing sooo well. And 2 have both done at once thats terrific. I am only 3 mths so I dont know if I can add much ecxept. At about 3 mths I saw a big improvement. I was able to sleep fine. Go up and down the stairs ok. Not all the time. But just seemed at 3 mths things changed for the better. I hope you continue on your progress and keep us posted, love to here from ya..........
Still stiff at 4 weeks? Yeah, sounds right on target, honey! And will be so maybe for 4-6 weeks or even more! Don't fret about it. Your body's not a car you've had serviced so you're not going to be better in one great leap!

One member here once made the sage comment "it didn't take your hip/knee 3 months to get into this condition, what makes you think it's going to get better in less time?"
Hi and welcome.

I am 3 months out and my knee is still stiff alot of the time. Not pain just stiff. The more I move the more it helps. The bike
helps too. But it will still get stiff after a while. I keep hoping
it will go away, but not yet.

Glad your doctor said you were doing great.
I'm between two and three months out of surgery so I can't tell you about the long-term future of our joints. However, I plan to be back on my surfboard in August. I'm feeling pretty good at this point (46 years old, by the way). The pain is much, much, much less than it was right after surgery. I take no meds other than a natural one. I'm swimming without problem. I even did a bit of the breaststroke today. Hell, life is good!! (Can you tell I'm in a great mood today?) I'm glad we all got our new joints and we've got this great support group to help us through the knee replacement journey.
Jayne, you are doing great!!! are still rather early in the recovery process. You can expect to make steady improvements in ROM for a while - maybe even up to a year. And you'll slowly start adding back in new activities that you haven't been able to do. At some point, you should be able to ditch the prescription pain meds, but don't hurry too fast with that. As long as you have major pain or trouble sleeping at night, use them. Then gradually taper off and replace them with an NSAID like Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, or Motrin. After more time passes, you will probably be able to get off even the over-the-counter meds too.

All in all, you have blue skies and smooth sailing ahead. Good for you and have fun with it!!!

If you find yourself worrying about something specific, add a post. It will likely be something many others here have dealt with.
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