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Questions for interview of surgeons

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Aug 20, 2009
United States
Hello all, I have put together my list of questions that I will use to interview the doctors for my knee surgery. I am sorry they are so long..maybe I don't need them all..but would you please look them over and make any suggestions for adding, deleting, changing any of them.
Thank you so much!


How long have you been specializing in knee and hip surgery?

How many have you done?

Approximately how many knee replacements do you do in a year?

Have you had to have revisions done for the replacements you have done?

If so, Why did they have to be revised?

What is the rate of infection during surgery?

Do you perform both TKR and PKR?

What is your criteria for PKR?

What brand of Prothesis do you use? and why do you use it?

What method do you use for closing sutures?

Does the implant make noise when walking?

Do you perform “MIS”? if so , please define what that means, the benefits, and how it is done. How does it affect the quadricep muscles, tendons, ligaments?

In your experience, how long do the Replacements last?

What will be my mobility limitations with TKR? PKR?

What kind of Pre-op tests do I need to do and in what time frame?

What king of blood thinners will I take, how will I take them, injection or orally, and for how long?

Will I need to take an antibiotic after surgery, what kind? for how long?

What kind of anesthetic do you recommend and why?

What should I expect to experience during the surgery and shortly after?

How do you manage patient pain in the hospital, especially right after the operation?
(relate stories of people who woke up to find either blocks or anesthesia not working, and experienced lag time in managing the pain)

Will I be on a CPM machine in the hospital?

I would like to purchase a Cryo-cuff ice machine to take home with me. I understand they are very effective. Can your staff arrange that purchase for me?

How will I manage the pain level once I have to leave the Houston area and return to Mexico?

Can you provide me with adequate pain meds to take with me?

Will you prescribe a 90 day refill for my mail order prescriptions?

What pain meds do you find are most effective?

What surgery complicantions should I be prepared for, and how to deal with them?

What hospital will you use for this surgery? WHY THIS PARTICULAR HOSPITAL? Do they have special experience with orthopedic surgery?

How long will I be in the hospital?

Can my husband stay with me, in my room, after the operation . Can he stay the night?

How can I obtain walker, and or crutches for walking aid once I leave the hospital?
Can your staff order these things for me and help me with insurance assistance in getting them.?

How many follow-up visits should I plan for?... both right after surgery and the coming months thereafter.

Approximately how much time, from the time I enter the hospital, should I plan to be in Houston. (barring complications)

How long should I wait until I can fly home?

....and I added, "Check my right hip" to see if the pain I feel there, sometimes, is caused from favoring the left knee.
sounds good to me...........
how many of these surgeries does he do...please take it from me the Dr is the most important ..............i made a mistake on my first one make sure i cant remmeber how many Jo said for them to do but make sure he is well qualified................i think there is a list somewhere Jo or Jamie made..........
Wow ! Super list... don't rely on your memory for the answers tho', make sure you write them down on your list, different colour pen for each surgeon or new sheet for each.
Well done, I wish I had done the same, even tho' I have had no real problems.
Wow, Marquesa....I think you've got it covered. Just type them up so you leave a little space in between each and you can make notes right there. Your surgeons will be impressed. Tell them you're so good cuz you're a BoneSmartie!!!
Actually, I'm going to copy those into the Recurring Information forum!
Hi , thank all of you for your replies...I will make separate copies and as Jamie suggested, will leave enough space between questions to write each surgeon's answers.

Now, you see how educated I have become in a few short weeks!! thanks to Bone Smart and all you caring, smart, incredible people!!

The first time around, my questions consisted of.......
Do I really need surgery? what kind? How much time to allow? How long to recover? When can you do it? Do you take my insurance?? or something of that sort..

Thank all of you..when I get the answers I will let you know how it went.

Vaya con Dios, mis Amigos,
Good Job Marquesa, WOW!! I just sat there like a bozo with my mouth hangin
open! LOL! My GF was the one with the notebook and some really good questions
Thank God for Women!!:bow::D
I think you are ready for the doctors! Great list, and thanks for posting it. I can't think of anything you missed. Those docs will know you mean business when they sit down opposite those questions. You will know you have the right doc when you get good answers to them!
When do you come to Texas??
Thank you for the nice all the info right here on this site.

Kimberlyann..I will be in Houston Monday, the 26 of Oct and first interview on Tuesday..other two the next day. so glad you are doing well!!

Keep us posted as to your progress.
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