Hi there,
What a wonderful website, I have learned so many things. I have a few quesitons if anyone could help me out would be great. My boyfriend has just had hip replacement surgery, he is 29 years old, he has the surgery last Thursday (one week ago). He is experiencing a few things that are concerning him but to me seem to be part of the healing process.
1) He says his hip feels like he is sitting on a wallet at times. Has anyone experienced this?
2) He is barely sleeping at all, but was not given any sleeping pills, he has some Adavan and is wondering if it would be ok to take that?
3) He does have muscle spazms in his leg, but I read a few threads on this and it seems to be quite normal, is it somehting he should be concerned about?
4) The hospital sent him home with only 10 days of shots for blood clotting, every information session we went to they said 30 days, did anyone else get sent home with only 10 days worth?
That is all I have for today...I am sure there will be more and I thank anyone in advance for any tips and answers you can provide me.
What a wonderful website, I have learned so many things. I have a few quesitons if anyone could help me out would be great. My boyfriend has just had hip replacement surgery, he is 29 years old, he has the surgery last Thursday (one week ago). He is experiencing a few things that are concerning him but to me seem to be part of the healing process.
1) He says his hip feels like he is sitting on a wallet at times. Has anyone experienced this?
2) He is barely sleeping at all, but was not given any sleeping pills, he has some Adavan and is wondering if it would be ok to take that?
3) He does have muscle spazms in his leg, but I read a few threads on this and it seems to be quite normal, is it somehting he should be concerned about?
4) The hospital sent him home with only 10 days of shots for blood clotting, every information session we went to they said 30 days, did anyone else get sent home with only 10 days worth?
That is all I have for today...I am sure there will be more and I thank anyone in advance for any tips and answers you can provide me.