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Sep 18, 2009
Mass. United States
Sorry, this is new to me guy's If I want to reply to someone do I post a new Thread or does everyone go back and check my old post?:doh:
Scroll down and write on the blank portion under where its said "quick reply"!!! ((:0)
I'm not Judi but good job!:thmb:

You can also join us in the social room. It's a place to chit chat about anything. We're usually in Run Amok Thread. It's a hoot!:hehe:
You can also hit the post reply button at the bottom if you want to preview your post before it's final. Then hit the preview post. I used to be a professional desktop publisher and typo's drive me wild. Hard to type with laptop on your tummy sometimes. :p Or you can just type in the quick reply.
If you look in the INFORMATION CENTRE (link up top) you'll find a forum called Using The Forum Features where you will find all sorts of help like that. We've got it all!
And it's VERY addicting and habit forming!!!! ((:0)
You can also hit the post reply button at the bottom if you want to preview your post before it's final. Then hit the preview post. I used to be a professional desktop publisher and typo's drive me wild. Hard to type with laptop on your tummy sometimes. :p Or you can just type in the quick reply.

Hey, and I have careers in common....I was a graphic artist for almost 20 years before movin' on up the corporate ladder. I free lanced too from the day I left was fun work, but I just got tired of doing it and wanted something new and more challenging.

I found that the ability to put together presentations and great looking written packages helped LOTS in every single job I had. It always put me a little ahead of others who might be in competition for promotions. It was a cool career!
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