question on bruising and swelling of leg and foot

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Jul 5, 2009
United States
Hi All! I'm doing quite well after my Monday's LTKR. I have had home PT twice and was told I am measuring 100 on my flex already. I'm moving very well and forget my walker at times as I walk around. No problems with excessive pain and am eating and sleeping well so far.

HOWEVER--here's a question that probably has been addressed many times before. I'm noticing more bruising on the inside part of my Left (surgery side) foot and a little more swelling in the past two days. Also a few more bruises on my lower leg. Of course my knee is swollen but not too bruised around the incision---I ice often and elevate. I presume this bruising is still surgery related but of course I (as an RN) think of Warfarin side effects (blood thinner that I am currently on) which can cause bruising. I have had blood drawn two times since I've been home and have taken 3 tabs per night (2.5 mg). I'm interested to know how much swelling/bruising that you all have had. Also I have the TED hose on.

I did have a crying jag this am--so maybe I'm coming down to reality:hissy:--even though I have had a great start overall.

Thanks to all. Nancy:D
Hey Nancy I have seen on here people with the same symptoms you describe....I think its OK, but if tis bothering you please call your OS. I did have alot of bruising and it did take a few days to show up. so I hope that is the case for you....keep doing what you are doing....Im glad you are not having any major problems. Keep up with your med and ice...Take care. I hope it all goes away for you soon........:)
As long as your blood numbers are within range, I would think the bruising is from the surgery. But if it concerns you, either ask your home health nurse or call the doctor's office. The swelling is quite normal too. Just be sure your continue to ice and elevate.
The crying jags are oh-so-normal! I didn't have much bruising, but I only have had to take aspirin for blood thinning after post surgery day 3. It seems that sometimes the more potent blood thinners can result in some bruising. Check with your OS for reassurance.
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