I went back to the hospital today. It was my first attempt to leave my general neighborhood on foot. The hospital I used is located in a suburb of St Petersburg so I used a combination of metro(the ornate 300 ft deep subway), a bus and walked the rest of the way. I went back only to bring flowers to the nurses since I was not scheduled for an appointment. I ran into my PT in the hallway and she wanted me to talk to a woman who just has her left hip replaced a few days ago. The woman is 46 and did not have a BoneSmart type resource for information so she had lots of questions for me. What impressed me most was how she was doing fine, already walking with crutches 3 days post op. I asked if she was in pain or uncomfortable and she replied she was comfortable but could not sleep on her back, only on her side as she had been doing all her life. I started sleeping on the incision side about 13 days after the operation.
That was interesting, she is doing about the same as I was 2 weeks ago(my RTHR was May 29) and she had no pain medication either or excessive swelling.
Is there something about how the operation is done that might account for lack of pain, and lack of swelling? I've been reading post after post about how much pain medication everyone seems to be taking. It that a US thing or is it just that Lena, the new patient, and I are just strangely different. We both had the same approach: posterior, the only difference was she was heavier for her height than I am and she is female.
What percentage of patients have no pain and what percentage have great pain post op and how broad is the bell curve of pain distribution...are there any studies for this?
Or maybe the high use of pain killers is based on the posters being a self select group. If they did not have pain they would not have posted.
So the apparent difference caused by difference in surgical technique, personal threshold of pain(I never thought I was low sensitivity for pain but the last time I took pain medication was 40 years ago), or habit or what that made Lena's and my post op pain free?
Maybe there is something we are doing that would help others have a low pain post op period
Just curious.......
That was interesting, she is doing about the same as I was 2 weeks ago(my RTHR was May 29) and she had no pain medication either or excessive swelling.
Is there something about how the operation is done that might account for lack of pain, and lack of swelling? I've been reading post after post about how much pain medication everyone seems to be taking. It that a US thing or is it just that Lena, the new patient, and I are just strangely different. We both had the same approach: posterior, the only difference was she was heavier for her height than I am and she is female.
What percentage of patients have no pain and what percentage have great pain post op and how broad is the bell curve of pain distribution...are there any studies for this?
Or maybe the high use of pain killers is based on the posters being a self select group. If they did not have pain they would not have posted.
So the apparent difference caused by difference in surgical technique, personal threshold of pain(I never thought I was low sensitivity for pain but the last time I took pain medication was 40 years ago), or habit or what that made Lena's and my post op pain free?
Maybe there is something we are doing that would help others have a low pain post op period
Just curious.......