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question about stiffness

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Jun 14, 2008
Southeastern US
I have been doing well, even managed to have about 3 nights where I slept about 7 hours each night. Well, it's 3 am and here I am up at the computer. I am just thankful for those nights where I did sleep.
My main problem seems to be with how FAST my knee gets stiff again once I sit down to watch a football game or a movie. Does this ever improve?
I am fine once I get going, but BOY, it sure is tough to get going.
I did not sleep at all last night, finally settled down about 4:30 or 5 am,
took more vicodin then slept until about 10:30 am. I layed around for awhile, and was soooo stiff. I ended up on my bike trying to get the stiffness out.
I even had to get my hubby to push on my leg some to get it to bend more.
I could really tell that my ROM was not as good today due to the stiffness.
I still can't get over how FAST my knee stiffens up even after walking etc..

You guys that are "winter knees", has your stiffness gotten any better?
The knee feels so much better when I am up and moving, but due to my heel hurting so much, I am not able to be up and about as much as I want. I still have not heard from the docs office about my referral. Guess I will call Monday to see what is going on. I told my hubby I wanted one of those old fashioned cruiser bikes to ride around our neighborhood. But until I get my foot straightened out I don't think I want to take a chance on it.
I appreciate all the past help and advise from all of you. It means alot to have friends like ya'll that I am able to go to. I do know that one day this is all going to be better, but at 3 am in the morning and hurting (heel not knee)
I tend to be a little on the blue side.
Hey there....I'm 5 months out and still get the stiffness problem--but it is getting better.

Lots of folks have said the stiffness can be an issue for up to a year, but it does eventually fade.
Yes, it takes time to resolve but it will - eventually.

As for the bike - had you thought about a tricycle? Maybe you can hire one or something? You guys in the US seem to be able to hire just about anything!
As one of the "winter knees", I would have to say that it definitely gets better. I'm at 8months now.
I know it gets frustrating but only time and consistent working of the joint will take care of it.
I still work it out 4-5 days a week. I very seldom ice anymore. Usually when I've over worked it. I don't get swelling but the ice just feels good.
If I sit for too long, like at a movie, It is stiff when I first get up but I can walk it off in probably 5-10 steps.
Thanks all for the info. I do get frustrated at times. I have found out that when I wake up, I HAVE to get up! No just lying around in bed anymore.
Not only does my knee get more stiff, my back likes to make its presence known! I have been up doing some chores around the house and my knee gets loose and feels SO much better. Then I sat on the bed to fold clothes while I watched a movie. Within about 30 minutes that joker had stiffened right up. Jo, my hubby and I are thinking about getting a trike, but it is a little bigger than the one I think you are thinking about. :-)
We have been looking at the honda motortrikes. Whew! Those things cost about as much as a small house! Anyway, I am gonna try to stay busy as I can today, and keep this knee loose as as goose. Thanks again for the info,
I value your advice and wisdom. Ya'll have made this journey easier for me!
My BTKR was in February (now about 7 months ago). I recently flew from Oregon to Massachusetts followed by 700 mile of driving in two days and then flying back at the end of a week of sitting at a conference. I definitely tightened up but I tried to get to the hotel gym a few times and rode their bicycle and that helped. Ice down when you overdo it and keep on does help.

Haven't really been bothered with stiffness in some time until yesterday and for some reason everythng bothered me yesterday. Go figure. Woke up today and think it is maybe allergies or, God forbid, an end of summer cold. I think I did too much a few days ago and it caught up with me. Or maybe it is just the weather beginning to change. Took the dogs out the last few mornings at around 3a.m. and it has been cool, something we don't get here often this time of year. Wouldn't surprise me if we had a couple of days of fall weather, but then it will get hot again instead of cold. AUGH!!! You can't figure every thing out, so why try. All I know for sure is that for the last week or so I have been sleeping all night, haven't done that in years, blissful. Well, hope everyone is feeling great. Rowdy
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