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Question about sex after hip replacement

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junior member
Nov 18, 2008
United States
I hope I'm not being inappropriate. I am 30 years old. I've searched the web about this. I would just like to know from those who have had sex after the hip comfortable it is after hip replacement, and what positions can you have sex in.

I ask because my boyfriend is really overweight, and I'm scared that I might injure my hip when we have sex. My doctor told me it would be better, but I wanna get opinions from people that have actually experienced this. I feel you can tell someone something when "you've" experienced it for yourself.

I am at week 4 now, and I'm just curious.
Yes, it was discussed here a very short while ago ...Do I dare????

I think the general consensus was 'as you feel like it but gently'! Perhaps you could try some alternative positions for a while (instead of the missionary), like with him kneeling at the side of the bed and holding your legs around him - would mean he wasn't putting his weight on you. Just an idea ...

The only position his weight problem becomes your problem is Missionary so avoid that and you will be fine....besides it is too tame anyway;>)
This might be a good reason for him to loose weight, not only for his own health but for not hurting you.

In any event, don't feel pressure for anything that is not comfortable and pleasurable to you...after all, at this point it should all be about you, not him. There are lots of ways of being close and intimate without stressful positions or exertions so start slowly with the emphasis on romance and sensuality and not raw sex. Your body will tell you when it is "hanging from the chandeliers" time, usually 2 months ++. Use this time of restrictions for experimentation in sensuality, romance and emotional bonding, none of which would be a bad thing. There is an excellent chance of this period improving the relationship, his patience will be rewarded when your pain is a distant memory.
Have fun! Remember: Romance first, sex will come naturally later.....

My Dr. gave me a pamphlet titled Sex After Hip Replacement. It basically shows the missionary position. I would proceed with caution do what is comfortable, but stay away from the splits!

I'm 36 yrs old, and had my hip replaced a year ago. I feel fabulous and doing great.

Good luck,
All I know is that when we had a patient in theatre (OR) with a THR or other hip problems, we would put their legs inside the poles rather than outside so they wouldn't externally rotate so much. I think you should always tell them you have a THR so they'll take care of you properly.
I have to have a uterine biopsy tomorrow. I have the right hip replacement and the knee scope with my knee in a immobilizer, should be a sight.,
I did have my annual exam a few months ago and had no problem as far as the hip. I did get excellent range of motion which I attribute to swimming.
I'll post if it is a problem
On the subject of sex. I agree stay away from missionary for now, even later the guy still needs to keep his weight off you with his arms (no matter what he weighs) but it can be done. I think it's more to do with the pressure on your hips than his weight. There are heaps of other positions that are comfortable and fun. Experiment! The idea of romance first is a good one, now and in the future! All you need is one understanding fella!

As for the Stirrups, if you have difficulty speak up. I have needed assistance at times just to get my operated side onto a flat table or bed in hospital it takes a while to rebuild lost strength.

I still can't lift my leg up to put knickers on, I have to take the knickers to my foot, or sit to put them on and this is 15 months after a LTHR. (Couldn't do it in the last months before the HR either though) Does anyone else have that difficulty?

It's historical, Judles. Back in the 17th-19th centuries, it was customary to have rows of seats, amphitheatre style, where medical students and visitors could sit and watch the surgeons work. Much like law courts nowadays! And surgeons got into the habit of playing to the audience. He would be applauded when he finished a procedure and those with a good jocular banter were as popular as modern day stand-up comediens!
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