Question about joint stability

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new member
May 16, 2009
Hello Bonesmart Gang,

Thank you for your responses to my other post. These types of forums are so helpful. I have been pondering how prosthetic knee joints are stabilized. If I understand the surgery correctly then it is common that the ACL, PCL, and MC ligaments are not spared. If this is the case, how is the joint stabilized? :sct:
Well, that's not entirely true. I take it by MC you mean collateral ligaments? Otherwise I'm a bit unsure there. The extra-articular ligaments are always spared and have to be.

There are replacements where the ACL and/or the PCL are spared providing they are in good condition. In that case the prostheses have special cutaways to allow for their presence. If the cruciates are not worth preserving, then a prosthesis with a stabilizer in the form of a wedge shaped projection is used instead.

Cruciate preserving ........................................ Cruciate sacrificing

[] Question about joint stability
[] Question about joint stability

I cant help, but thanks for asking that question, so we can all know.......Hope you are doing well. Kim
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