Ok - so I am more than 6 months out from my knee. For the most part it has really been improving. I get sore if I am to hard on it, but well... I get that. This week we went down to the local ski place and stayed overnight. It has been busy at work, but not too bad. I have iced a few times, just because the ice seems to take away some of the ache. Anyway.... While the family was out skiing last night I treated myself to a massage at their spa. Great therapist, very relaxing, for the most part. We talked about the knee and my hip issues. She worked everything on the right very carefully but was actually concerned over the amount of heat still in my knee. granted she is not an OS but she actually seemed to feel I should contact the os. I sort of blew it off and felt she was just not aware of the amount of trauma that knee went through. Got home today and started thnking and then... I figured I would ask for your input. How much swelling should I still have at 6 months, almost 7 and how much heat should there be. - Just from normal activities. I did some stairs yesterday and walked about in the school building but sat for a good part of the afternoon and early evening using the computer.
Thanks for the input - I do not plan to call the os because I think she was a little young and inexperienced with knee replacements. She did a fine job but ... I bet she hasnt done many massages at the hotel spa at a ski resort for tkr people.
Thanks for the input - I do not plan to call the os because I think she was a little young and inexperienced with knee replacements. She did a fine job but ... I bet she hasnt done many massages at the hotel spa at a ski resort for tkr people.