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question about adhesion...(comparing)

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May 13, 2008
United States
sorry to be such a pest...but I have to ask..

I don't know what adhesion feels like, but what I can describe with mine is that I have burning pain in between the two major tendons and just right where the tibia starts. it hurts when I bend or extend or even walk.
And when I lay back in my recliner, and wiggle my leg, I can feel the muscles/tissues pulling and I get that pain as well. I also felt some achy, popping sensation from that area. it's definitely NOT from the implant for sure. LOL

so how do I compare to others having adhesions? the same? or something entirely different?

reason for asking is that I can go in to this new doctor for a 2nd opinion and describe/articulate the pain as accurately as possible. and hoping that I would not need a revision...the LAST thing I need, when my right knee hadn't been replaced yet.
Loribee, my non-medical brain has no idea what may be giving you that type of pain unless it is just the muscles and ligaments settling in after your surgery. Hopefully Josephine will have more accurate information for you. In any case, if it is bothering you, you need to ask either your doctor or the one you go to for your second opinion. Good luck and let us know what happens!!

This could be out there but something to ask the new OS. I had a similar experience with an early surgery and it ended up being the plica (a skinfold of tissue) that goes across the knee in front got trapped when they moved some of the tendons. Should be correctly with arthroscopy.

[] question about adhesion...(comparing)

it's not my knee, but this is what I'm talking feels like something's blocking or caught and won't 'let go' to let me bend or extend my knee.
You said 'it's not my knee' - do you therefore mean that it's not in your knee, as in not inside the joint?

[] question about adhesion...(comparing)

As you can see here, there are plenty of ligaments to get inflamed and painful and they do, easily! It can still feel like a mechanical block even though it's a soft tissue problem.
I believe she means that the picture is not her knee. There is no scar on this beautiful knee.
Doh! Course there isn't! Thanks, Angel!

[] question about adhesion...(comparing)

As you can see here, there are plenty of ligaments to get inflamed and painful and they do, easily! It can still feel like a mechanical block even though it's a soft tissue problem.

it's right in the general area of 'sartorius' is where I hurt the most. :(
Thought it might be! In which case, ice it, rest it and pull back on the exercises for a bit.
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