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Putting on Stockings

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Aug 27, 2006
he saga of recuperation can be a great experience. I have 75 years on my odometer. My left THR occurred 52 days ago. Everything seems to be coming alone fine. I've mowed my lawn several times with a self-propelled walk-behind mower, used a gas-powered walk-behind edger, and vacuum cleaned the carpet. For the last week I've been climbing stairs, leading equally with both feet. I faithfully do therapy exercises at home everyday The doctor has told me I can begin swimming anytime. He did causion about bendng over and twisting the body. Has anyone had any experience putting on stockings without using the usual contraptions furnished by the hospital. Any information on how long it takes before it is safe to try this maneuver would be appreciated.
Hi Ridge,

Congratulations on your THR! Sounds like you are coming along really well! You are so wise to work on your PT. I had both hips replaced in May 05 and love them! I recommend getting onto the pool asap, really helped me alot. You can do all your PT in the water as well as swim and pool run. I have found that staying strong and lean is key to the most succesful recovery.

Are you putting on stockings as in nylons, or regular socks? I would think that you could go ahead and try it, but if it is too painful stop. I was able to put my own socks on after a few weeks, but I am really flexible and lean. Most of the time, when I wanted to try something new, I found that if you go slow and quit if it dosen't feel right, then you should be ok.

Keep up the good work!

Believe in Barbaro
Am new to this forum, but wish I had found it before. Its a great informational source.
I had Rt total hip replacement on 9/4/6 and found out after operation that the Dr. chose to use a polyethylene receptor (acetabulum) along with a ceramic femur. His decision was based upon a more suitable fit. As a 68 yr old patient, he feels I should have no problems for many years.

I experienced considerable pain, but was able to survivr with meds. My biggest problem now is that the operative leg is 3/4" longer than my good leg. Have had to wear lifts and am restricted to tennis shoes. It is extremely uncomfortable when barefoot. Am starting thearpy soon and will let you know how it goes. Hope your surgery went well...........Betty

Have started thearpy and am feeling stronger everyday. As for the stockings, the thearapst has me streatching in ways that make putting on stockings seem easy. The pool sounds like a better way to go. May try that in the future. I even went to my 50th H.S. reunion just 60 days after THR surgery. Because of the 3/4" difference I now have in leg length, I'm restricted to tennis shoes @ lift or built up loafer. No more high heels!
I'm finally getting to the point where, if I try real hard, I can get on a regular pair of stockings without using the hospital contraption. One of the secrets is to use very elastic stockings, ones with a lot of stretch and give. Also, I believe the therapy is starting to show how really important it is. Tomorrrow will mark the second month since the LTHR. The last time I met with the doctor (two weeks ago), he said he would see me in a year, unless there was some reason I wanted to see him. Sounds good to me. I hope everything starts working out for you.
Anyone had any experience of using "Yankz" elastic shoelaces. They seem to be designed for Tri-atheletes who want to change quickly. In other words they make your normal tie-up laced shoe a slip-on. They seem very popular in this field - I hope to try shortly
Sounds like a good idea. I can see how elastic shoelaces would definitely be a big help to someone, either before or after their procedure, until they can regain some flexibility through therapy.
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