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Pulled Knee Muscle

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Aug 4, 2008
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, U.S.
This morning I was sitting in my recliner while reading the paper when I got up to re-fill my coffee cup. As I stood on my feet, I realized that my right knee muscles were weak and could barely walk. It's not painful, just real tight like a rubber band around my leg just above my knee. I managed to get to the kitchen for an ice pack, so here I sit with my leg elevated and iced. What could have possible caused this? I was fine until then. :shk:
What you said - just a pulled muscle. Nothing to do with your TKRs, I'm sure. You'll probably find that tomorrow or even later today, it will be going away.
Well, it hasn't gone away so far. I have an appt with a doctor (not my OS) this afternoon. I am concerned I may have torn something. Something similar happened to me several years ago which required surgery. Sigh.
I have trouble with my muscles because they get really tight.

But I would ice elevate and most of all, I would massage the muscle. It would loosen up.
Went to my dr this afternoon, and he gave me a referral back to my OS. He took x-rays that he said look ok, but would feel better if I saw the dr who put in the knee. It's probably a CYA situation but I see the OS tomorrow afternoon. It feels a little better but still stiff, tight and swollen.
Im glad you went to the Dr and hope its nothing serious please keep us updated and stay off of it for awhile............
Well, if it is a pulled muscle, it will take several days to get better. Be sure you are taking an anti-inflammant also to help things along.

Are you doing any regular exercise? Walking? If not, it is possible that you need to start some type of daily exercise routine to give those leg muscles some strength. It could be as simple as walking for a half hour each day.
Ok, Josephine, you can say I told you so. It's a sprained muscle. OS took x-rays and saw nothing broken or dislocated and also had an ultrasound done just to be sure I did not have a blood clot. It's gradually getting better and now only need a cane for balance instead of crutches as I can put more weight on it. He said to take it easy for several days. I had been going to Planet Fitness every other day to do a set of PT recommended exercise to strengthen my leg muscles as well as for upper body strength. I hadn't done any new exercises last week so I have no idea what happened when I got up from my recliner. I am greatly relieved though, as I was concerned that something was broken, torn, or dislocated.
Good news that it is a problem that will resolve itself. I am sorry you have a little setback in your exercises, but you will move forward again.

Take care of you, Kimberly
Hi Marennorge, Cool, another person from Massachusetts! I hope you are feeling
well and are taking It easy! All My Best, Tom
Oh that's wonderful, Marren. I'm also delighted you're feeling better.
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