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PT too much or too little?

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new member
Aug 26, 2009
United States
I live in a very rural area and was sent home with a couple pages of exersises and a page of do's and don'ts. the hospital and doctor is an hour and half away. because of problems I was having with pain medication, I did not get a chance to really discuss things with the doctors who popped in and out of my room. now I am looking at the papers and wondering if I can overdo it or if I am not doing enough. they did not really have pt at the hospital.

i was told the best exercise i could do was walk as much as i could.The exercises they send you home with are relatively simple to do a few times a day.So its important that you follow those instructions you really are in charge of your rehabilitation.If you do to much you will know it !!!.Also i have gone to outside PT and frankly its nothing you could not do yourself if properly self motivated.Good luck in your recovery
thanks! I usually do my exersizes at night when I am wide awake and everyone else is sleeping. my surgery was not planned so I really had no time to prepare and ask questions.
Hello welcome i did my own exercises at home as well. I did fine. I did what the papers said bit no more till I felt comfortable.........You just want to keep your bend up push a lil I mean a lil but when I did go to PT I cried didnt go anymore stayed at home and it was all good. Just ice after so you dont get more swollen....Good Luck post anytime......)
Hi I had home PT and at the centers. But you will do fine
doing them at home. Just do a 20 min session in the morning
and at night. Then build up. Just don't overdo. Some will tell you
how much they did and frankly they paid because they did so much they had to take a day off and just rest. So just go slow and easy.

You will know if you do too much.

Ron is so right in his post. You can do fine at home by yourself.

If you have a fax or someone can fax for you, make a list of questions and fax to your OS. They can fax or mail back to you.
Or if they have an email and you do to, just email the questions.
Hi, I was sent home with my exercise sheet and told to ring the PT if I needed to discuss anything. Can you ring your PT to discuss the exercises?

I did my exercises and increased the repetitions as I felt stronger.

As it has been said, do the exercises that you have been given at your own pace. Believe me you will know if you have over done it:shk:.

LTHR 10/07/09
I agree - you will know if you overdo. It is difficult at first to know how much to push yourself. Just listen to you body. Like Loggon I had both home and out patient PT and was doing 20 minute sessions 2xs a day. Not saying I liked it very much, but it is a very important part of your recovery.
thanks all, I will have to discipline myself to actually do the exersizes twice a day,
I feel really good today, slept terrible last night, then had a good 3 hour nap with the help of a tramadol. I take advantage of sleepless night to exersize.
How long is it since you had your op? You should make sure you are taking your pain meds regularly and not letting the pain spike before you take them. That way you can do you exercises better.

And better if you did just a few minutes several times a day than one 20 minute session. Especially the flexion. Even while you are sitting reading or watching TV, you could slide your foot back and forth to bend your knee as much as you can. It exercises your quadriceps as well. So long as you can get up to or even past (a little) 90 degrees of flexion, that's a right angle, you'll be fine. As time goes on you can push to get more.
my pain medication is not very effective, i was sent home with tylenol. I have been doing about 10 minute sessions 2x a day, but get up and down and flex my knees and feet as well as walking much more often. I have no pt to call, but will be getting my staples out tuesday and will talk with my dr then.

my husband is expecting miracles and thinks once the staples are out I will be able to resume normal activities. including normal sleep habits. it should be an eye opening experience for both of us when we talk to the dr.
Well, Tylenol are hardly sufficient for post-op analgesia, especially at 2 weeks. You need something much stronger. Tell your doctor your pain is not under control and ask him if he will prescribe you the Tramadol to use during the day not just at night. What you describe in the way of exercises is about right but do them during the day. The night is for resting even though you can't sleep.

And tell your husband from me that removal of staples is just a thing that happens along the way. It has no bearing on the overall recovery which can take 2-3 months minimum.
Oh dear, sounds like your hubby is cut from the same chunk of wood as mine; once I managed to do something for myself, then he figured I must be capable of doing everything for myself. No way:hissy:
I checked into the website of American Orthopaedics before I had my surgeries and found a good set of exercises that I printed off. I showed them to my OS and he said they were all that I needed. He also stated that the most important exercise to do was pushing the leg out to the side. I am now going to physio, and they are having me do much the same exercises in sets of 6 mins. each.
Your hip will let you know how much is enough. Slow and easy is the best medicine for this surgery. And don't fight the nap urges; I still take mine almost every day.
I was sent home with Percocet for the pain.
Keep us posted on your recupe. We are just a keystroke away for all the help or venting you may want or need.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
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