PT questions

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Karen M

new member
Oct 15, 2009
Hi all, I am new to this site but have been reading the posts for a week and have found it very helpful. I am 3 1/2 weeks post op on a left TKR. I am 46 years old and live in Canada. I read about lots of people going to PT and having their ROM measured. When I was discharged I was given a series of 10 exercises to do at home and I have been doing those faithfully 2 to 3 times per day and building up my repetitions as instructed. I have never been to PT since discharge and I was told not to try a stationary bike until got the okay from the surgeon at 6 weeks check up. Should I be seeing an actual PT? As for progress, I think I am doing well. I only take pain meds at night to help me sleep. I ice lots during the day and at bed time when I seem to get restless. Am able to weight bear and only need crutches or walker when I go out. Thanks in advance for all the replies. I think this is a great place to share.
Karen M
Hey Karen welcome.......I think you are doing fine .....some people dont have pt at all...just o your excercises faithfully...........i did the bike at about 3-4 weeks .......they just put me on it and when you get all the way around on it its luck to you sounds like you are doing anytime........we have all been thru it........keep up the good work...................)
Karen, welcome to BoneSmart! I moved your thread as you'd started it in the Forum Techy Stuff forum! :hehe:

First thing I spotted in your post was that you are only taking pain killers once a day yet you're icing lots. This tells me you're still in pain (and will be at 3½ weeks) so why are you not taking pain meds during the day? You should be as it will affect your ability to get good ROM. You also didn't mention that you're elevating your leg - by which I don't mean just popped onto a footstool!

As for the PT, I had none whatsoever, just a couple of assessments, and I've done pretty good! Not sure why your surgeon says no bike until after 6 weeks. I was on mine from week 4. But I doubt it's a biggy as long as you're doing the exercises. Can you get your knee to a right angle or more? If so, that's good progress. But even if it's not, 6 weeks will still be okay to make progress if your surgeon thinks you need PT then.
Karen, it's pretty common in the US for our insurance companies to pay for us to have PT to rehab our new joints. It doesn't look to me like it's a popular treatment modalityin the UK or Canada.
You could always call your doctor's office and see what he recommends.
I personally like to go to PT, because it's a 3 day a week regimen and you can follow your progress and there is someone, hopefully a competent someone, there to guide you, and give you new exercises as you go along.
Hope that helps.:blush:

pain meds allow you to get the most ROM during PT or just your own exercise routine. I think the first 3 months are the most critical as far as setting the foundation for good ROM. I am no DR. the only thing I have is my experience to go by. Sometimes you work hard and don't see any improvement for several weeks and then one morning you wake up and boom! you can do something new, it seem to come in waves. I was on a bike at 3 weeks but each of us is different I had very little swelling which gave me good ROM early, some have swelling which inhibits ROM. I had sa friend who had TKR and his DR. had him wear an immobilizer for the first 4 weeks no bending at all, when he did get out of it PT was much harder than mine and at 3 months his ROM was terrible but at 1 year he is fine. There are many ways to get there all are different.

Good luck and work hard on PT it pays off big time.
Karen....welcome to BoneSmart. Glad that the forum has been of help to you already. Don't hesitate to post any time you have a question or concern.

It sounds like you are doing fine exercising on your own. We've had a number of people on the forum from Canada that did just fine with that routine.

I also am not sure why your doctor wouldn't want you on the exercise bike for 6 weeks....I used mine after the first few weeks. But you probably should stick with his guidance. Once you DO get on it, it will become an excellent way to exercise your knee...strengthen and gain ROM (range of motion). Very gentle on your joints!

Keep up the good work and do consider Jo's suggestion to take some type of pain med during the day. It will help!
Thanks for all your comments. Sorry I posted to the wrong board. I didn't know where it had gone!!!! I have been on 5mg of oxycodone at night as the only pain med since 48 hours post surgery. I haven't taken anything else since then. I can't say that I feel pain, rather some stiffness that I deal with by icing and rest. I don'r have a great tolerance for pain meds ( they make me feel worse than the pain) so I am managing this way. Thanks for the comments about the PT. I am diligent about doing the exercises and have definately improved a huge amount since discharge. I believe that most days I have at least 90 degrees of bend in the knee. I really appreciate the fact that this forum exists. It helps to talk and listen to others who have had similar experiences ( and it gives my family a break from hearing about my knee 24/7 !!!)
Karen, It sounds like your doing great!! Welcome and I hope your recovery is smooth
and comfortable! Best Wishes,
I guess what meds you are taking is a choice that you have decided works for you. I just know that pain will keep your recovery slower. But is you do not have pain then I think you are one of the lucky ones. I think that if you are doing you own PT at home and can see that it is working good for you.
I like my PT techs they have really been great for me!! I think I would have thrown in the towel long before now if it had not been for all the help they have given me. PT is good because the tech's can see muscles that need more help. And will show you how to work them. So it would not hurt to ask your OS about this. Becareful and go slow.
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