pt gave the ok

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Apr 23, 2009
United States
hey all.
well i'm 2 weeks out today. so far everything is going great.
i'm still on a walker but it just gets better every day. i go tomorrow to get the staples out. i'll be glad i'm finally to the point that they are aggravating me. they had me on the eliptical machine for 6 minutes today then i did some squats and leg raises. they really worked me out today and at the end only my left leg hurt the right felt like it had a good work out. the pt called the os office and gave me a gold star to go ahead and schedule roung 2 ( the left hip ) in 6 weeks, so i can get it on the books. i was happy. they said it was really early to do a second assessment but that i was so far ahead of schedule that i would be ready . after my os was so nervous thinking i didnt know what i was in for this was great news. Jo i'm sure you can appreciate my next statement.

getting ready for this is in the eye of the beholder. when i was told to really "get ready" for this menatly you have to look at my past. first there was the surgery then the bone traction then another trip back to the or to get the pins out and be casted then 3 months in the cast then i'd get to relearn how to walk. right now part of the reason i think i feel so good is for me. i've skipped the middle part i went straight from surgery to relearning how to walk. the only thing that makes this as big as the others i've had is i'll be doing both hips. the thing that is so much better is i'm starting out with a perfect structure instead of flawed bones. anyhow wanted to leave a follow up
thanks yall
Wow look at you...You are moving right along..Yeah !!. You sound like you are doing so so well.....You also seem very happy. I know you have wanted this for soooo long . Im happy you are doing so well. Hang in there, you know we will be here for your second hip. Oh boy then watch'll be brand new.....Im really happy for you.....Keep us posted.......
Wow, Monique....what a great report! Thanks for posting it. You know these stories always help others who follow you in surgery. You'll be amazed at the difference getting the staples out makes too.....HUGE!!!
i'm excited. i i cant wait for the staples to come out and i love to exercise so its great to do it with very little pain. really only soreness. this site is great because i'm not doing cartwheels or jumping jacks, i've been able to set reasonable expectations and go for them. i try to include a little of my history because i can only compare to myself. 35 degrees external rotation might seem like a failure for someone else. it makes me extatic its 30 degrees more then i had before surgery. os apt tomorrow can t wait to show off. lol.
I am so happy for you. I know you will be having a good time showing off tomorrow!!
Yay, Monique! Keep up the great recup! :)
Well done Monique,
You are doing famously.....before too long you'll be climbing the Empire state building.....I believe there's a race up the stairs? As an Aussie, I am definately not an authority on this!...personally I'd like to climb the Eiffel tower in Paris....
anyway, enjoy the progress....I swam properly for the first time yesterday, and couldn't believe how mobile I was....and how easy it was to kick....and when i used a kickboard I actually that was a new achievement! Usually I'd just float in the one spot no matter how hard I kicked!!!
Keep up the good work
Brilliant, Monique! I am both excited and pleased for you.
hey yall thanks. well i've got two questions for him today so we'll see how that goes. one is swimming and the other is driving. really tired of being hauled around. chat later
Congrats Monique-- I'm happy for you and can't wait till you are a legitimate bilat, instead of a wannbe! Staples out day is a v. good day! Also, 35 degrees external sounds v. good to me. I'm not sure what I was before surgery... I think I was about 20 degrees external 0 degrees internal. I am now about 45 degrees external, maybe a touch more and 15 degrees internal and improving slowly. I still struggle with flexibility issues and continue on PT which is helping, as is swimming. Best of luck on round 2.
that is great tom. yeah i asked yesterday when i can start swimming os said next week. i got the ok to start driving. i know flexability will always be an issue. my daughter asked if i can do criss cross applesauce ( sit indian style). i see now that this might still be something i wont be able to do. its ok ,os said the muscles were real contracted so i think i'm just going to get it as far as i can and be happy.
I'm with you on the flexibility thing.....I think I've just got to 90 degree flexion (forget about going over it) but that is SO much more than I have had for years so I feel good....although I would like to be able to do up shoes and sit up straight I'll keep pushing it! it goes on....keep stretching Monique, and when you think you have stretched remember to come back and do a few more!....but on the other hand avoid over doing are VERY early days just yet....
it is beautiful to be sitting up and standing up straight. i found that laying flat is actually a stretch for me . i take every oppertunity to d slow stretches, i think i pulled a muscle yesterday in pt. woke up feeling good though so maybe it will be fine.. they keep saying hold back. i like hearing that but i told the os.
" you say all i have to do now is exercise. i'm on it. " resting i'm good with that too. i've spent so much time in pain that even the little things i do now are more then before i can stand up and fold clothes havent been able to do that in the last year. i can stand and do dishes. standing and the gettting up had gotten really hard it feels good now so i love to do it.
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