Ok there Ladies and Gent's I just got off of the phone from the insurance company after inquiring about my benifit's after TKR. They told me a couple of things that I was unaware off. The first thing was I can bring the CPM machine home from the Hospital for a total of 21 day's. The secound thing that I was told which I don't know if it is normal or in the middle or great?? They told me that I am aloud 200 hundred visits at my home for PT. They women who is in charge of my case told me flat out to use every day and I asured her that this would be the case! The last thing which I was not very happy with was they said that when I am able to move about and drive I will have to pay my copay of ten bucks each and every vist ? This to me stinks! IMHO they are basicly forcing me to do somthing that I do not want to do that is use all of the PT atr home! You know these insurance company's never siece to amaze me! Can they not figure this out?? I would much rather be at an outpatiant facility than continue to be (Home Bound)? Any and all coments are appriciated.
Thanks Ralph
Thanks Ralph