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THR Proud member of Double hippie club

Welcome to the double hippy group! Had my bI lateral hips done in 2008 and haven’t looked back. No restrictions, so I used them as my own….. cause they are! Follow the guidance of your healthcare providers, keep up in meds and remember “you got this”
I must have been tired last night wishing you Happy One Month anniversary for the second month in a row. I corrected it. Don't want to cheat you out of a month of discomfort and hard work.:wink:
Enjoy the rest if the week!
How is your recovery going overall, GrumpyMCO?
2 Month Recovery Update - Overall - nothing to complain about, and much to be happy for.

Pro's (Simple Things)
  • Ability to step up onto a chair to take down some window treatments. Didn't have the flexibility to do that before - or the strength!
  • Ramping up exercise again without the pain & stiffness that follows a few hrs later.
  • Not being the slowest walker in an airport. Not the fastest either - but I'm probably in the 80th percentile!
  • Ability to bend over and dry my feet!
  • Lack of apprehension when taking on semi-big tasks - before the surgery - a trip to the UK (long flight, heavy bags, navigating crowds, etc - would have been a bit daunting.)
  • No Tylenol, no icing, but still taking a daily Celebrex - will stop that next week and see how that goes.
  • Getting into a car without the "back in & pivot maneuver".
Con's (not that big a deal, and it's only been 2 months)
  • Discomfort if sleep on one side too long - that includes the hip and knee areas.
  • Discomfort if sit too long (good reminder to get up & move.)
  • Walking normally requires a bit of focus as I unlearn old habits.
  • Still not able to put on socks easily or at all, and that thing with ropes is so easy to rely on.
Thanks for the update. Lots of positives! The cons are all very common and maybe even things you
experienced the first time around. Overall your recovery sounds great! Two new hips...I'm happy for you. :)
3 Month Update on Hip #2.
I've got some minor pain & discomfort in both hips now as I started physical therapy a few weeks ago to improve my overall strength & flexibility. Since my post-surgery physical therapy was limited to a phone app and some basic mobility exercises - I'm now breaking down scar tissue in my quest to be able to cross my legs again.

I'm excited as I'm already seeing improvements in flexibility.

Unfortunately I made the mistake of telling the therapist that I wasn't really feeling anything on the strengthening exercises last Friday. So this weekend I backed off the daily regimen to recover!
Unfortunately I made the mistake of telling the therapist that I wasn't really feeling anything on the strengthening exercises last Friday
Welcome to the OverDid It Club (ODIC) bench! We all land there at some point in our recoveries. (Some of us -- like me -- more than once :heehee: )

The good news is that you now have a better sense of your limits so, after you back off for a few days to recover, you can better gauge how much to push (or not!) next session.
4 Month Update on the RTHR
Wrapped up Physical Therapy 2 weeks ago. Got a list of exercises & stretches to continue doing at home. I had been ramping up the use of various exercise equipment (elliptical, rower, stationary bike) and trying to get north of 10,000 steps a day for a while, but yesterday while walking the dog I had to admit that I was in the waiting room for the ODIC. Today is a little more achy in the newest hip, so I'll dial back the PT exercises and various equipment and focus on stretching and just keeping it loose for this week.

Not a linear recovery for sure, but still light-years ahead of my pre-surgery days.

Happy Eclipse day everyone!
I had to admit that I was in the waiting room for the ODIC. Today is a little more achy in the newest hip, so I'll dial back the PT exercises and various equipment and focus on stretching and just keeping it loose for this week.
Wise decision!
I'd hate to see you stall your progress by overdoing it. A belated Happy Four Month Anniversary!
Have a wonderful week!
5 month Update....just scheduled my 6 month check in with my Ortho for next week, probably early by a few weeks but that pain in the latest THR (Right Side) doesn't seem to be going away. In fact - it's a bit worse at times. There are definitely times there is no pain, and maybe it is exercise related. I'm no iron man competitor, but I did 30 on the rower and 30 on the treadmill yesterday and today walking the dogs the dull ache was a little sharper.

Does the ODIC ever get closed to us THR recipients?

Or is it a lifetime membership?

Still not preventing me from doing things like the pre-THR pain. And my Go/No-Go test of being able to bend over and pick up dog waste is still coming up green, so I'm not complaining too much - it's just that Hip #1 was pain free so quickly, it's a bit disappointing that Hip #2 isn't on the same trajectory.

How do you tell the difference between - "man up, this is just normal healing" and "OMG THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY IMPLANT"?
@GrumpyMCO I think the ODIC is open to anyone at any time, any age. Think back on your life ... was there ever a time (before having bad hips) that you worked too hard or engaged in a sport too energetically and were achy with sore muscles the next day? That too, IMO, is joining the ODIC. And if something were wrong with your implant you would know it because the pain would be horrible - as in can't even walk, wanting to pass out horrible... an 11 or 12 on a 1-10 scale.
@GrumpyMCO I think the ODIC is open to anyone at any time, any age. Think back on your life ... was there ever a time (before having bad hips) that you worked too hard or engaged in a sport too energetically and were achy with sore muscles the next day? That too, IMO, is joining the ODIC. And if something were wrong with your implant you would know it because the pain would be horrible - as in can't even walk, wanting to pass out horrible... an 11 or 12 on a 1-10 scale.
Thanks Deb, That's kind of what I thought, but it's good to have external confirmation from more knowledgeable sources!!!
@GrumpyMCO im do please you asked about ODIC I’m 10 months into my new hip journey and having been able to to much more I decided to weed the patio from a standing position with quite a lot of bending, which took about 40 mins. I have been laid up since Saturday in agony feel like my Glute has torn (I exaggerate) but oh my the pain. Sometimes I just forget that I’m in recovery. I’ve gone back to my basic physio recovery exercises, ice & heat alternating. Thank goodness for ODIC to remind me to take it slow. Hope you are having a good recovery from ODIC.
Had my 6 month follow up yesterday - both implants look great. My Ortho came in and asked me how I was doing.

I squatted down to the floor and got up once and told him that "I can do this now, so I'm feeling pretty good!"
He told me to "get out of here and see me in a year" with a big smile on his face.

What I didn't tell him is I practiced a few times earlier in the AM...and I was probably heading to the ODIC club after I left his office! But it's a good pain. Happy Memorial Day everyone, stay safe and keep recovering!
Great update, @GrumpyMCO. Now give those poor hips a little time to recover from showing off!

Enjoy your weekend.
Glad to read your were released from care until your one year anniversary. You're doing great! :egypdance:
My phone pushes "On This Day" photos to me and I've been enjoying seeing pictures of my Christmas Compression Socks & Ice packs.

It's been 1 yr since the 2nd Hip got replaced - and while things aren't perfect - they are way better than before both THR's. I was spoiled by the first THR - I now call that the dream hip - as it was smooth sailing and an easy recovery, despite me pushing it way too hard too early. No pain in that joint.

The final THR - not so much. No joint pain - but more often than not there is an achy pain below the area of the the anterior incision - it doesn't slow me down or keep me from being active - but it is annoying/disappointing given how the first one has no pain at all. My Orthopedic Surgeon even said to me that he hates people like me since my expectations are probably unrealistic for the 2nd THR, he's got a dry sense of humor.

I'm seriously considering digging out the old ice packs and getting them back in the freezer for those days and finally following through on the promise to myself to keep doing the stretches the PT gave me. I know I should.

But as I was browsing the topics in the recovery forum today, and also after checking in with my friend who underwent a THR compliments of the NHS after over a year wait - I just tell my self to be patient, count your blessings and keep moving forward.

Happy Holidays everyone and best wishes on your recovery journeys!
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