THR Progress Reports

Hello everyone. So that's week 5 done and dusted and we've booked train to go to London for a few days to see baby grandson. Plan to take elbow crutches rather than canes for stability and have asked for assistance at the stations. In anticipation of the different house I've removed our toilet seat risers and find there's no problem and I'm practising for stairs without a banister. Writing a list of what to pack and wondering about taking my triangular knee pillow with me.
[] Progress Reports
Hello again, Six weeks gone and survived the four and a half hour train journey to London, assistance from station staff was excellent. I did walk a bit more than usual yesterday and have loads of general aches and pains today but suspect most of those are because of the very uncomfortable night on the (to me very) hard mattress at son's house. Baby grandson is thriving and a wee miracle - well worth the trip for a cuddle! :loveshwr:
Aww, I'll bet it was such a joy to meet the precious new baby. How fun!

I liked your thoughtful prep before your trip in putting away the toilet riser, making sure you had assistance at the stations, practicing navigating stairs without bannisters. Glad you survived the trip, but sorry to read about your aches and pains. Hopefully you can get a lot of rest along with icing over the next few days and you're feeling better by the weekend. A great rest of the day to you!
@Newhip_Pol - interesting to hear about your London trip. I have been dithering about whether or not I can manage one. Now at just over 10 weeks. Maybe I should just be brave and take the plunge and accept a couple of rest days when I get back.
I would recommend it, just think ahead of potential obstacles & take care not to overdo it. Also, Layla's suggestion of having ice packs available is a good one. :)
Have to add PT have wanted me to use walking canes since last appointment but I brought crutches with me - partly for stability and confidence and partly to make others aware I'm not fully mobile!
Last day out in London was 3 years ago for my son’s graduation. Obviously Covid and Lockdown was also a factor, not just my hip although it was shortly after that trip that my leg buckled and I crashed to the ground and after that, I started to use a walking stick.
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It's a very busy city but fine if you know your way about. We're getting lifts from family or using taxis. The bus might be ok once I can manage a bigger step but I would be reluctant to use the underground.
Congrats on new grandbabe and for managing the trip without too much trouble....:friends:
Love new babies... sweet perfect Sucky lips, teeny tiny toes... maybe one day I will get a grandbaby!

Hope this is a good week.
Hello everyone, it's seven weeks today since my RTHR and things have been going well until the last couple of days! No idea what I have done but the pain in outer thigh, right gluteals and to a lesser extent, groin has returned to the point I am struggling to put weight on the operated leg. It's a dull but potent ache presumably muscle pain and I am back to regular paracetamol and icing. Disappointed because I have my "6wk" review with consultant today as well as PT appointment.
It's not as if I have been out and about, just around the house with 'normal' daily activities, shower, washing machine, stairs in last few days.
Friday: 2x half kilometre walk plus 4.5hr train journey. Side sleep non-op side
Saturday: Rest day. NDA Side sleep non-op side.
Sunday: NDA plus brief walk around house & garden. Noticing increased discomfort.
Side sleep as before.
Monday: Shower using shower board in bath, no assistance. NDA plus machine wash for towels, up & down stairs plus short time at computer desk.
Today: Struggling to walk even with crutch, too painful to stand on operated leg.
Do we think this is ODIC or something more sinister?
Welcome to the ODIC! That's quite a bit of activity for someone only 6 weeks out of major surgery. All that walking plus a 4.5 hour train journey. I assume you were also looking after some type of luggage during your trip? If it was a roller type case, new hips hate the slight twisting needed to roll the case.

I suggest you stop any excess activity and let that hip pain ease. Ice and elevate and do take paracetamol. Once things have eased, build up your walking distance slowly.
Thanks @Jaycey, I think I was surprised by the delayed response - I half expected reaction on the Saturday but that day was ok. Presumably it's only as I started activity again that my hip complained.
(PS I didn't have to deal with luggage - OH and station assistance folk helpfully dealt with that)
So - physiotherapist says just take it easy until I get over this 'bump in the road', back to first stage exercises but not if it hurts and take painkillers as required.
Consultant surgeon cannot find anything wrong with the hip so presumes it's muscular - says take it easy for a few days and get back to him if pain persists. Otherwise, I can do what I want!
So I remain disappointed but relieved.:unsure:
@Newhip_Pol Yes, par for the course. It can be unsettling during the first part of your recovery because of the "delayed reaction" but eases with a little TLC. The good news is that those episodes become fewer and farther in between. Usually the thought of "What was I thinking?" pops into your head and you vow to be much more careful until the next time it happens. LOL. We humans are an interesting species: brilliant and yet so ridiculous at times. Hopefully, you'll be feeling much better soon. Keep us posted. Love the updates!
Hi everyone, feeling a bit more positive today. Pain is easing, taking paracetamol regularly and adding one codeine tablet at night. I still cannot put full weight on the operated leg so I'm taking it steady and using one crutch around the house as well as outdoors. Finally managed a short drive today, back from lunch out with hubby and daughter. No ill effects so far.
Hi @Eman85 - Not at the moment but yes icing definitely does help - I will need to remember not to dismiss it "down the line". Thanks
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