After a busy week, but with some time to think I thought I would ask the "pros". Travelling east really stressed my knee this week - and I knew it would and was prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for was the pain in my hip. Yikes. I have noticed it b4 when the knee was really aggravated but it would diminish within a day or two. Well, I have been home for almost 3 days and my hip is killing me. I have been a bit lax in letting the os no that the hip is cranky and I am hoping that this is going to get better when the knee is straightened out. My sister (a nurse) read me the riot act while I was home. Seems that my right lower leg is really quite crooked. She was cross that I let this go as long as I did. I hate mirrors so I really never noticed (mirrors are just ugly). The thing is she saw me in November and didn't notice it. MMMMM. Then she about took my head off when she saw my left foot. Seems that bump is a bunion - She asked if it hurt and I said yeah, kind of, but.... She asked when I first noticed it and I said this winter - and ohhhhh talk about a reamming out. She just had one on her foot taken care of and she said it was half the size. Needless to say I guess I will look into this AFTER I get back on my feet with the TKR??????
I guess 42 is when you start to fall apart???? She really freiked me out.
Anyone else have similar "pains"? Did they go away after the TKR? I really don't even want to think about the hip thing.
(PS - Glad to be home from the first "vacation" , back on line and now 3 weeks from a new knee!)
I guess 42 is when you start to fall apart???? She really freiked me out.
Anyone else have similar "pains"? Did they go away after the TKR? I really don't even want to think about the hip thing.
(PS - Glad to be home from the first "vacation" , back on line and now 3 weeks from a new knee!)