Pre TKR and Hip Pain, Bunion etc. YIKES

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Jun 2, 2008
Palmer, Alaska
After a busy week, but with some time to think I thought I would ask the "pros". Travelling east really stressed my knee this week - and I knew it would and was prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for was the pain in my hip. Yikes. I have noticed it b4 when the knee was really aggravated but it would diminish within a day or two. Well, I have been home for almost 3 days and my hip is killing me. I have been a bit lax in letting the os no that the hip is cranky and I am hoping that this is going to get better when the knee is straightened out. My sister (a nurse) read me the riot act while I was home. Seems that my right lower leg is really quite crooked. She was cross that I let this go as long as I did. I hate mirrors so I really never noticed (mirrors are just ugly). The thing is she saw me in November and didn't notice it. MMMMM. Then she about took my head off when she saw my left foot. Seems that bump is a bunion - She asked if it hurt and I said yeah, kind of, but.... She asked when I first noticed it and I said this winter - and ohhhhh talk about a reamming out. She just had one on her foot taken care of and she said it was half the size. Needless to say I guess I will look into this AFTER I get back on my feet with the TKR??????

I guess 42 is when you start to fall apart???? She really freiked me out.

Anyone else have similar "pains"? Did they go away after the TKR? I really don't even want to think about the hip thing.

(PS - Glad to be home from the first "vacation" , back on line and now 3 weeks from a new knee!)
Welcome back Marianne,
I am a new hippy but have had pain and swelling on the knee on the same side. Years ago I had a bone scan to diagnose a heel fracture on that side and the report showed arthritis on my knee as well

I has been bothering me , but I will wait until my next apt to say anything if it still hurts!!!
I remember the 3 week countdown. Now I am 2 weeks on the other side. It sill happed quickly
Hi Marianne, welcome back. That crooked leg will explain why your incision will look like the doc was drinking right before he cut you. It is straight when they start and by the time they fix your knee athe way it should be and close you up, you get a slant or curve going. My hips hurt prior to my BTKR. And my scars aren't straight. Weird to see how crooked I was, i didn't realize it either. I think my hip pain came from the misalignment as well as the excessive bending at the hips because my knees wouldn't do it.

My first knee that was replaced last October was 20 degrees out of alignment. (Bowlegged) Like you, I am in my 40s and put things off way way too long. Because of this misalignment, I have ankle and foot problems and will one day need an ankle replacement. I think this problem is worse because I put the knee replacement off too long. I can definitely tell a difference in the way I walk after my surgery but what's done is done and will have to be addressed soon.

I just had my second knee replacement even though this knee was no where near as bad as the first. I think it got messed up because of the first knee too. I can't say I had hip pain prior to the replacements but I have had trouble after each of the knee replacements. The pain in the hip after the first replacement eventually subsided and I am hoping the same will be true for this second knee. Your sister is right...... Dont' put things off. I too noticed that once I hit my 40s everthing started going downhill....ugh.....Karen
No. No No. You do not fall apart at 42!!! Throughout our lives things pop up and you have to take care of them as they occur.....of course you don't just jump right sensibly take care of new ailments in a timely fashion. It's a juggling act and if you let too many things crop up you can't juggle them any longer and you lose. Make your to-do list and work it in a comfortable timeframe and you won't get cought with too many balls in the air. As for mirrors?? None of us sees ourselves as others do. Some of us will see the most georgeous thing staring back in the reflection [when it's truly wrong] Others will be positively pleasing and see unacceptable ugliness.
What you see in the reflection is something that is inside, your self image. Besides, a mirror is one dimensional and a tool to check for food in your teeth, or if your trousers are riding up your butt etc. It is a necessity so use it properly..............And good luck with your progresss!!!
Ms Weezl
Throughout our lives things pop up and you have to take care of them as they sensibly take care of new ailments in a timely fashion. It's a juggling act and if you let too many things crop up you can't juggle them any longer and you lose. Make your to-do list and work it in a comfortable timeframe and you won't get cought with too many balls in the air. Ms Weezl

Weezl, You are sooo right.....hence my name [email protected] pretty much let everything go way way too long and now I'm paying for it. I've had to attack everything one at a time and have had 4 surgeries in the last 15 months. I still have at least two joints to attack. I was in such bad shape two years ago that I just wanted to stick my head under a rock and never come back out because of all the pain I was in. I can't tell you how hard it was to get up each day. I'm still in a lot of pain but I'm slowly but surely getting there. Karen
Karen, I just turned 60. My spinal stenosis is so bad the doc laughs when I ask him about it. It can't get any worse. I need a shoulder replacement but am first haveing a major redo to avoid it as long as possible. My other knee will have to be done but the time is not right. My thumbs and pinky have arthritis [not a big deal]. I had 3 arthroscopies in the past and the TKR and I had one rotator cuff repair. I also have asthma wich is under control but for 6 yrs almost killed me and I was on mega doses of prednesone to be able to breathe. They then came out with some new drugs. But all that steroid caused osteoporosis. Right now I have found a new pain mgmt doc who is helping me. I used to be a gym rat, till about 52...even w/ the bad knees and the rotator cuff, and the asthma. Now I still go but it's all about rehab and keeping what's left working. But if you look at me, I look pretty healthy. I joked that I told my PT I was there to get my "wiggle" back. But it was no joke. The ability to walk with a spring in your step keeps you young. Try it. Walk with a spring and your mood will improve. If it pings a little to walk anyway what difference does it make. Try a little bounce!
[sometimes I'm down, but you gotta work at being up]. Oh and I have also sprouted some bone thing on my foot which you know I will address.
Ms Weezl
Can't do any springing until my foot and ankle are addressed, trust me on that one..... I've got a few similar problems that you have including the asthma (been ventilated, several hospitalizations, the works) but I'm still in my 40s and I had hoped this would have waited a little longer. I had my kids when I was young and thought that I'd still be young enough to go out and have some fun once they were grown but now I'm having joints replaced instead..... Gotta go to PT... talk to you later.
Karen, a bounce can be a state of mind. It means keep positive. You are still young enough that the work you are finally putting into yourself has big payoffs. You are still at an age where things can get better. At my age, well I don't know yet. But I think I am approaching the age where it can only get worse.

I know from experience that the forties and fifties are still improvement years. Please listen all and take heart. Your mind, attitude, is so important in your physical being. Sometimes even I think this is bull....but it's not. Your life is on the road to only being better because you have taken the steps. Talk to me in a year Karen. You're giving it your best shot.
Big hugs, Ms Weezl
My Hips Were Killing Me Prior To The Btkr And My Legs Were Terribly Crooked. Now The Hips Hurt When I Lay Down In The Same Position Too Long But It Is Getting Better. You Will Be Amazed How Quickly You Feel Better Once You Are Past The First Week After Surgery. Things Just Are Amazing. Hardly Seems Like It Could Have Only Been Six Weeks Tomorrow That I Was Operated On. And If I Can Do It At Almost 70 You Can Do It At 40. You Are Just A Spring Chicken And Your Youth Will Really Play A Part In Your Recovery I Hope. Will Keep You In My Prayers. Rowdy
I sure missed you all. Thanks for all the reassurance. Its good to know we are not alone in all of this. My family just sort of looks at me and tells me to just stop. If it hurts, then don't do it. Well, sorry - but life must go on. I don't jump out of planes or anything so I don't see why we must stop living. I think I will slowly fix this mess my knee is probably responsible for. One joint at a time. And then get back to the important things in life - HAVING FUN!

Again - much thanks
Karen, a bounce can be a state of mind. It means keep positive. You are still young enough that the work you are finally putting into yourself has big payoffs. You are still at an age where things can get better. At my age, well I don't know yet. But I think I am approaching the age where it can only get worse.

I know from experience that the forties and fifties are still improvement years. Please listen all and take heart. Your mind, attitude, is so important in your physical being. Sometimes even I think this is bull....but it's not. Your life is on the road to only being better because you have taken the steps. Talk to me in a year Karen. You're giving it your best shot.
Big hugs, Ms Weezl

I'm with you on this Weezl, trust me on this. You just don't know how many people tell me they are amazed at my ability to deal with what I've got on my plate. I am a very positive person. It's the only way to get through things like this.... And, you do have time to improve and have some good twilight years. You hang in there and so will I! Karen

Marianne, You hang in there too!
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